Has your life turned into an endless void of drudgery and routine? Do you long to be surrounded by glamorous prizes that will make your enemies turn green with envy? Are you a fountain of untapped talent just itching for fame and notoriety? Well, are you? My advice is snap out of your self-pitying funk and head straight over to THE HORRORS OF IT ALL the interweb destination once committed to creating nightmares is now making life long dreams come true! A snazzy contest is now underway that will be judged by international celebrities with megaton star power! Will you be chosen? Are you even ready to be catapulted into eternal infamy? Do yourself a favor and find out now by hopping over to THOIA! Destiny is calling, are you brave enough to pick up the phone?
Speaking of THE HORRORS OF IT ALL did you know that outstanding oasis provides perpetual entertainment in the form of pre-code comix at the, I'm not sh*tting you, price of exactly zero dollars and nothing cents? It's true. The magnificent Karswell was even kind enough to point myself in the direction of his most Kindertraumatic offerings! Follow the links below and discover a world of tiny tot terror that will have you squirming in your seats and profusely pondering THE HORRORS OF IT ALL!