I'm writing to say that I think I'm seeing a future Traumafession happen right before my eyes. My son is almost two years old. He loves toy trains. He loves books about trains. If he sees trains on T.V. he'll shout out "Choo-Choo!" but there's one show that seems to terrify him to no end…
We bought him the DVD thinking he would love it. We read the Thomas books and he never has a problem with them. The second he sees them in motion though, it's like all the secrets of hell have been revealed to him. He starts shaking his head in disbelief shouting "No! No! No!" He slowly backs up and startles at their every move on screen, then he runs out of the room in a panic.
My first thought was thinking, "C'mon kid! Toughen up!" but then I tried to look at the show through his eyes. Real model trains with odd static faces where only the eyes moved from side to side. Speaking, but not moving, like giant locomotives plotting via telepathy. I could kind of see how a toddler might be weirded out by that, but still…
…Maybe we should watch RETURN TO OZ instead.