Been wracking my brain about this one and my search engine skills are apparently lacking. I believe it's a late sixties or seventies era supernatural horror and it really freaked me out as a kid. All I remember is this: a bunch of teenagers go on a picnic (for some reason I remember they ate fried chicken) and naturally the weird stuff starts happening. At one point they see some kind of castle in the distance that vanishes and fight a giant bipedal monster in a cave. In the end one of them ends up committed and screaming about demons.
What I remember scaring me the most was, like the kids, I had no understanding of what was happening to them, other than they were all doomed. It seemed like they were fighting the devil and I knew that the devil's pretty good at not losing to people. That's about it. It's not much to go on but if anyone remembers my trauma I'd appreciate it.
Sorry. Forgot to mention that this was a movie. Additionally, a search for "supernatural horror seventies kids picnic vanishing castle monster devil" mostly comes up with SCOOBY DOO episodes – in case anyone's wondering. I need help!
Thanks! Great site!

UNK SEZ: Rob, I knew exactly what movie you were speaking of as soon as you said "fried chicken picnic", it's 1970's EQUINOX a.k.a THE BEAST! That fried chicken picnic has always stuck in my head too which is kind of strange when you consider all the crazy stuff that happens in EQUINOX, like this…

And this…

And this…