Oh No! Billy the beloved homicidal maniac from BLACK CHRISTMAS has finally been arrested! What's worse is that his capture occurred on the very same day that Canada decided to reinstate the death penalty! Billy's only chance to avoid death by Canadian electric chair is to plead insanity but to do that, he's going to have to recall the events of BLACK CHRISTMAS to a court appointed Canadian psychiatrist!
Can you help Billy remember the correct order of events? I'll get you started by revealing that 1=C (the title card) but what about the next 10? C'mon kids, Billy's counting on you!
NOTE: If you could give a crap about Billy's fate leave a guess or comment of some sort anyway because Aunt John still has a couple more awesome Kindertrauma logo t-shirts (sizes M, L, or XL; winner's choice!) to give away and anybody can win.. just a leave comment and you are in it to win it!