I have a vague memory of a made for T.V. movie from the '80s. The opening really freaked me out for some reason, it's still a scene I remember, but how precise my memory is I can't say.
The beginning of the movie has a young mother with two kids, one is a baby I think, and they are driving through a bad part of town. The car breaks down or has a flat tire and she pulls into an empty, dark parking lot. After sitting there for a few minutes, a large group of thugs show up and attacks the family and starts smashing the car apart like the bullies did in CHRISTINE. I believe they end up killing the mom and the kids… what happens after that I have no idea.
If anyone can dig up a title for this and a clip even that would spectacular! Thanks!
AUNT JOHN SEZ: I have no idea what this movie is, but I do know that Fiji Mermaid runs THE go-to spot for hard-to-find soundtracks over at the awesome SIDESHOW CINEMA.