UNK SEZ: Sorry for the filler-post but I'm working on something unwieldy that is taking up all my limited brain space. It gives me tummy-rumblings to neglect you fine folks though so I thought I'd scrap this together. The other night I came across LADY IN WHITE (1988) playing on the MGM HD channel and it seriously made my eyes pop out of my head. Well, that's not exactly true but it made me want to pull my eyes out and squash them against the TV in approval. I'm already a fan of the movie but I could not believe how gorgeous it looked with all of its colors behaving all concentrated, bright and insane.

LADY IN WHITE does for Halloween what A CHRISTMAS STORY does for Christmas, so why is it not the equal perennial must-see? It's so good. It's spooky, nostalgic, moving, creepy, it reminds you that racists and child murders are scum and visually it's got some NIGHT OF THE HUNTER, dark fairy tale thing going on. What's not to love? Jo Polniaczek's Dad is in it for chrissake. If you haven't seen it you just have to, that's all I'm saying. Here are some images from my sorry DVD to back me up further but this movie needs a special edition HD upgrade pronto. Alright, I have to go back and tame the giant mess I'll dump on these pages in the near future. Hope everyone is starting to feel the Halloween!