I love your website and it brings back some awesome memories from my childhood. I have a couple of future Kindertraumas that will possibly fuel good memories to come.
Spongebob Square Pants: Now how could the wimpy yellow kitchen sponge possibly scare anyone? Well in an episode called "Nightlight" a terrified Spongebob is told by his boss to go in the dark cooler to get some fresh Krabby Patties to grill up for the lunch crowd. Meanwhile Spongebob had spent the previous evening watching a scary show and has developed a morbid fear of the dark. As the cooler door opens a disembodied head (played by Tom Kenny who voices Spongebob) floats out accompanied by evil sounding laughter. When my then 5-year-old saw the face she screamed like someone encountering an ax murderer. Several weeks later my husband was sleeping and I was engrossed in something else when the episode came on again. This time she screamed even louder and ran around the room. We raced to see what the problem was, thinking that maybe she had fallen and was somehow hurt only to see "Nightlight" playing on the television. For months afterward she would ask if "Nightlight" was coming on whenever we watched Spongebob.
My son is pretty brave for a two and a half year old but comes unglued when confronted by giant inflatable lawn decorations. Last October he screamed and flailed around in the shopping cart when faced with a giant inflatable dancing pumpkin. Even after the thing was quickly sold he would cover his eyes and wail, "Oh no oh no!" any time we passed the holiday section where the inflatable had been displayed. He also goes bananas when he sees puppets on television or YouTube, this just proves that the Uncanny Valley continues on to the next generation.
Keep up the good work on an awesome website!