A self-admittedly odd "scared you for life" story…
This piece of music and accompanying video will immediately send a cold shiver through my entire body. My reaction to it has been the same since I was a little kid. I'll get goosebumps if I hear it and if it gets stuck in my head, it will give me the willies no matter where I am. Middle of the day, at work, at home, in the car, grocery store…it doesn't matter. And yes I know, there's NOTHING outwardly scary about it!
Over the years, I've tried listening to it, nearly torturing myself to get used to it (or over it) but my natural reaction to it is freaky. I don't know if something about the animation in tandem with the theme bothers me…it's beyond strange. Maybe something bad happened to me when I was very young while it was playing. I have no clue.
And the silliest thing about it is, I can watch Bullwinkle all day long and actually enjoy it. But if I listen to the theme and see this video…instant shudders.
I'm ice cold right now just thinking about it. I can hardly bring myself to paste the link:
Traumatized since childhood,