I'm sure our readers are well aware of the must-see horror TV classics (DARK NIGHT OF THE SCARECROW, TRILOGY OF TERROR, DON'T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK, DON'T GO TO SLEEP, GARGOYLES BAD RONALD, et al.) and I'm assuming I've already pushed more praise on SATAN'S TRIANGLE than any human can reasonably be expected to in one lifetime, so here is a grab bag of TV horrors that are often overlooked and deserve a little more love… (Really I'm just linking to old reviews and making like I've done a fresh post. Don't gripe, it's recycling and it helps the environment.)

You get a chatty Ouija board, a maniac with a huge knife, that lady from ARE YOU IN THE HOUSE ALONE? (KATHLEEN BELLER) and it's written and directed by the fine folks who brought you THE MIDNIGHT HOUR! This atmospheric gift even takes place during the Christmas holiday! Read more HERE.

Will DIANE FRANKLIN one day discover Kindertrauma and be rightly disturbed by my unhealthy obsession with everything she does? Who knows? In the meantime read more HERE.

Watch it for the exceptional cast and love it for sticking a stick of dynamite in your ear and blowing up your brain. More unabashed affection found HERE.

Hey, this isn't a movie, it's a NIGHT GALLERY segment! I can't help it. I'm putting this here anyway because it still haunts me. Read more HERE.

This one is a legit classic but I scarcely hear it mentioned these days on account of I guess it's kinda granny-toned. Luckily all I need is some creepy whispering voices to get me going! More HERE.
Nice list, unk. I'll check out "Brenda" first because it's always nice to be reminded of "The Spanish Moss Murders" and when Pepe La Rue said, "Peremalfait is gonna get you".
Great list! I'll have to check out "Deadly Messages" and "Summer Girl".
So glad to see "The House that Would not Die" on this list! Anything that has anything to do with Barbara Stanwyck should be placed on a pedestal in the foyer of the Library of Congress right next to the life-size Golden Girls diorama that should also be there.
Don't apologize for recycling a few old posts – a couple of these were stuff that I missed and they were great!
Thanks to all of the "Five Underrated _____" posts lately I have a backlog of stuff to watch.
I have no idea how a person would do this, but I'd love to see a "Kindertrauma" streaming channel featuring all of the crazy stuff people post about on this site. Maybe have a weekly "Unk and AJ present" movie – kinda like the old TB S "Dinner and a Movie" thing. Just some wishful thinking.
In case anyone is interested, Hulu has "Brenda" available for free. It's paired with the episode, "Midnight Never Ends".