Greetings and salutations, Kindertrauma!
Long time lurker, first time poster here … anywho, I used to watch USA UP ALL NIGHT in the late '80's when I was 11 or 12. My parents were remote control Nazis (somehow they didn't have a problem with their little angel reading STEPHEN KING as a child, but R-rated movies were off limits!), but I'd sneak out after they went to bed. How USA was able to play such classics as ZOMBI or DEMONS 2 on basic cable is beyond me.
This movie has been driving me nuts for a ridiculous amount of time (like, YEARS). It was set in a high school. There was some kind of slasher/serial killer involved, who had a goofy laugh. The school lab may have been involved. At the end, you see a janitor's bucket-on-wheels thingie being pushed, and it looks like the janitor from the back. Then you hear the killer's crazed giggle, and you know the janitor is dead … cue end credits.
Does this ring any bells? It's probably from the early '80's.
By the way, your site is amazing. You're doing a real public service. By which I mean I lurk about when I should be doing homework.
Thanks a ton,
UPDATE: NAME THAT TRAUMA SOLVED! Reader magired moves to the head of the class for being the first one with a hand up for RETURN TO HORROR HIGH!
I was thinking it was STUDENT BODIES, but the janitor isn't in the end scene:
return to horror high?
"Slaughter High" from 1986 is a high school set horror movie with a scene in a lab and a janitor in it.
Return to Horror High definitely! Hilarious movie!
It was Return to Horror High – thanks so much, guys! I can't believe anyone figured it out from such a short description. I can sleep comfortably now:)