UNK SEZ:: Happy Halloween Kinder-Kiddies! I wanted to do a special post for y'all on this, the best day of the year but I came up with nada because some times my brain don't work so swell. Then all of the sudden I remembered that there was something I've been meaning to share with you fine folks for years now. A while back, while visiting my parents, I discovered my amazing movie clipping scrapbook in the attic and I brought it back to Kindertrauma Castle! The tome has now been dubbed "The Unk-Nomicon"…
Ya see, back when I was a mere critter I got the idea to cut out all the movie ads for horror movies that I saw in the paper and luckily I decided to do this in the best year ever! I present to you today as a Halloween treat the first eight pages to be followed up with eight pages next Sunday and so on until the book is transformed completely into computer-flavored, cyber information! Please enjoy the young Lancifer's hard work as I can assure you that nobody did back when it was being assembled.
Have a Happy Halloween you good people of Kinder-land and remember: Do not eat food with razor blades shoved in it because then your throat will be shredded into strips and blood will come gushing out of your mouth and you can't scream because you are drowning in your own blood today!
(AUNT JOHN SEZ: To see the images at their full resolutions, click the thumbs and then control/right click on the image & select View Image. Just do it!)
On my computer it's control right click and then "open in a new window" just so's ya know
On an iPhone or other iOS device, just touch and hold the thumbnails until the menu pops up with "open in new page" or whatever it says.
Nice work! I miss newspaper movie ads. This kind of reminds me of something similar (but less cool) that I did with Bloom County comic strips.
Wow. What a treat to see these! I used to do the same thing (execpt I'd tape them to my bedroom wall when I could find a full page color glossy one). I once found an old newspaper from this era that featured the local drive-in presenting MOTHER'S DAY double-billed with DRACULA SUCKS. What a time to be alive. I miss the old- timey way they used to always list a movie with it's cover-art posted beside it.
They're all incredible! My favourite one is Screamers "They're men turned inside out" hahah awesome
I'll post some more next week there's a lot of cool images to come!
I didn't keep a scrapbook, but starting at the age of ten or 11, when my parents started taking me to R-rated movies at the theater, I used to pore over the ads and find the most gruesome one to suggest seeing.
When I was at summer camp, my dad sent me a care package of paperback books, candy and the movie section from that days paper. I saw the ad for "Blood Beach" and thought, "I'm having fun here, but if I were at home, my dad and I could be seeing this".
oh man – these are so cool! you're so lucky you kept it.
i just recently found a bunch of old horror radio spots online that they are amazing too!