Hey now, did I not just recently make a statement about the sad fact that if one wants to see a decent horror movie they are better off staying home and renting rather than going to the theater? Luckily for all of us, the known universe was at least partially created to prove me wrong at regular intervals and consequently there is now a horror movie playing in theaters nationwide that is actually good. Ah-hah! I got you universe! I got you with my fancy reverse psychology! I just went to see DRAG ME TO HELL and I didn't even want my money back by the end! I liked it and from what I could tell, so did the other people in the audience. Yep, they even clapped just like you are supposed to do after you have been successfully entertained.
It's pretty neat to witness a simple story enthusiastically told by a person who knows what they are doing. DRAG ME is a crisp, clean cut of horror, designed to run like a funhouse ride, full of squirms and screams with zero bitter after taste. It has no intention of shaking you to your core or changing your life, but it is bound and determined to remind you that every once in a while horror can be fun. Everybody knows that director SAM RAIMI (THE EVIL DEAD TRILOGY) knows how to work a camera in stunningly inventive ways, but his real gift on display in DRAG is his talent for well-timed, pitch black comedy. You won't find any gritty realism here, but RAIMI has an astonishing ability to keep things breezy while still allowing his characters' hands to get sufficiently dirty. Miraculously the film's conclusion is wonderfully cop-out free.
ALISON LOHMAN (WHITE OLEANDER) took over the film's lead when ELLEN PAGE (JUNO) flaked, which is all kinds of fine by me. The role requires LOHMAN to go from mild and self-effacing to wild and self-serving without being too self-aware or losing the audience's sympathy. It's a lot to ask, but LOHMAN pulls it off and her delivery of the line "Here, kitty, kitty" is, mark my words, destined for horror infamy. In fact, I think you can expect DRAG ME TO HELL itself to become a future classic. Hopefully the DVD release will coincide with Halloween 2009, as this is the type of non-taxing, fun loving, yet still effective spook show that is tailor made for the holiday and can be enjoyed by many ages (DMTH is PG-13 but somehow doesn't reek of it.) I wouldn't wait for the DVD release though, SAM RAIMI has made it safe (and worthwhile) for horror fans to head back to the theater. Grab some like minded friends and expect some spirited conversation afterwards.
I could not agree more. I saw this film Monday afternoon. This is a horror movie in the original sense of the term. Experience it in a theater if you can.
SO MUCH FUN. Such a nice change from the glut of dour horror movies out there now.
Glad you liked it, too, Unk! Definitely an instant favorite for me. It's like they found a lost movie that Raimi made between Evil Dead II and Darkman. Damn near perfect in every way.
This movie was awesome, it's tons of fun to watch and it had me on the edge of my seat several times. I loved the humor in this movie ("Here, kitty, kitty" made me shoot sprite from my nose). Raimi's back to horror and he's not rusty! Hurray!
Excellent flick. I went in expecting a few scares, but holy crap! I swear I was jumping in my seat every ten minutes. I could've done without the nose-spray scene in the bank – just seemed like it was over-reaching just a bit. Highly enjoyable film. Raimi certainly doesn't disappoint.  Though I suggest if you see this one, you should have a strong heart and stomach – and maybe a change of undies. :p
Hey UNK-
I truly can't get over how brilliant this film is. I'm ready to go see it again. Best American horror film in 10 years, and I challenge anyone to convince me otherwise.
BTW… glad you mentioned Lohman replacing Ellen Page, b/c, man, I don't think they film would have been as over-the-top excellent 1.) w/o Lohman, and 2.) with Page. We really didn't need that snide snarky girl ruining this film, and I'm glad she didn't.
More people need to see this film!
I M GLAD TO SEE THAT MOVIE MY ID ISÂ dolphinkalra@yahoo.com
I absolutely HATED it! I switched it off after half-an-hour. Sorry Sam, but you've lost the plot.
Once again me and our unkle disagree. Total unintentional cheesefest. CGI has ruined even this too as simple blood effects and a handkerchief blowing in the wind are animated in and make the film look like 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit?' taking me right out of what's happening. And I'm totally over the 'evil wine's twist endings.
Evil wins*