Look at all these eBay monkeys! I bet you'd like to adopt them all! What you don't realize is that one of them is possessed by EVIL and will do everything in its power to destroy you and your loved ones once it's gained admittance into your lovely home! Can you guess which one it is?

Evil monkey!? Holy ever loving crap, I have the one in the little blue and white navy engineers costume Right hand side, second to last row down). I'll say it's older than my husband. lol. Please tell me that he's not evil cause my son has him in his room now.   He looks pretty benign compared to the rest of the lot – dang those are some creepy ass monkeys. (everything in the middle row)Â
So, am I safe or doomed to die a terrifying and horrific death?
The 4th monkey looks like my Zippy monkey (except my monkey had a banana in his hand). Oh no! He may be pissed at me for chewing on his banana when I was little. Well, so far he hasn't escaped the front bedroom to kill me in the night.
My money is on the middle monkey in the second row! I don't like the look in it's eyes…there is an evil wisdom hidden in that plastic gaze that chills me to the bone.
Besides, no monkey named Zip could harm anyone…right? Right?
At one time or another, my sister and I owned at least 4 or 5 of the above-pictured monkeys. It always seemed disturbing to me that they could suck either their thumbss or a banana (which was often molded into of one of their hands). Sadly, no matter how much we begged, Mom never let us have a real monkey. I guess she had the good sense to know they would eventually try to kill us, like the evil Capuchin in Monkeyshines.
I think it is the third monkey in the top row. Something about him/her/it is vaguely familiar. And very creepy.
It's a trick question. They are ALL evil!
It's the ones with the cymbals that you have to watch out for!Â