Author: aunt john
Traumafessions :: Reader Ariel on Are You Afraid of the Dark? ep. "The Tale of the Crimson Clown"

Okay, so I have a fear of clown dolls. Not clowns (I respect that some of them may actually be funny), but clown DOLLS. I blame ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK?
I never watched this show as a kid, but my older brother did. One evening, I thought I'd be brave and watch an episode with him. Turns out I should have went to bed instead. The episode in question is called "The Tale of the Crimson Clown," and it has terrified me ever since I saw it as a child.
The episode starts with two brothers trying to find a present for their mom's birthday. The younger brother (Sam) is a snot-nosed brat who bumps into people without apologizing and steals money from his older brother (Mike) to spend on a video game. In the store, they both see a creepy clown doll. Mike tells Sam to smarten up or…or…or the Crimson Clown will come get him! He just scoffs and heads out to get into more trouble.
When they get home, Sam goes up to his room to find the creepy clown doll sitting on his desk! He calls Mike in, but the clown has disappeared. As they head down to dinner, and with the strings section screeching in the background, the camera pans under the bed to see the clown doll there, complete with glowing eyes and maniacal laughter.
I just about wet my pants.

I screamed and my brother being the kind soul he is, switched the channel. After that, I never watched another episode of that show. I had a clown doll that I used to love and think it was so pretty. I chucked it in my closet and closed the door (because monsters are trapped in closets if the door is closed) determined never to look at it again. Years later I was able to display it in my room, but it definitely was NOT my favourite doll.

Just recently, I watched that episode again just to find out what happens in the end. Well lo and behold, there is a terrifying dream sequence in which the clown ties Sam up, moves around under his covers, and disappears when Sam gets free and pulls back the sheets. Sam tries to get away and warn his brother, but instead of Mike being in the bed, it's the clown and his head blows up like a balloon and explodes scattering glitter everywhere. The clown is at the window and the door, and Sam can't get away, so he cowers in bed. Then he wakes up and he's learned his lesson and the mom gets a wonderful present for her birthday.
Years later (and knowing what to expect) I still freaked out when the camera panned under the bed… I am so going to have nightmares tonight.

Traumafessions :: Reader My37 on "Outside Over There" by Maurice Sendak

I'd like to make a contribution to your website (which I discovered recently and LOVE by the way). This book scared the hell out of me as a child. It was about a girl who was in charge of taking care of her baby sister and basically from what I remember, the baby is stolen by goblins. Way before LABYRINTH, and not as cute and fun like some of Sendak's other books, this traumatized me.
I had just had a little sister for the first time when I first read the book in the early '80s, and I feared this was going to happen my sister while I was "in charge" of looking after her. The illustrations are creepy, and to me was just not a kid friendly book.

Name That Trauma :: Reader Sammi S. on Terrifying Texas Tea

I'm pretty addicted to Kindertrauma, someone on another website linked it to me and it's my fourth day in a row reading as much as I can!
At the tender age of seventeen, I'm probably one of the youngest readers, but I do have a Traumafession.
It has to be somewhere in the mid-to-late ‘90s, I think I was watching a movie with my older male cousins at my grandmother's house. I can't remember much, but what I remember was being unable to sleep for a very long time after seeing it.
It was something about three or four or even two boys who discovered an underground cavern, maybe there was a caveman in it, maybe there wasn't, I forget, but apparently discovering the cavern released some sort of black ooze that made you decay or get sick or something AWFUL. I was so scared of the black ooze!
I hope you can help me with just this little bit.

UPDATE: NAME THAT TRAUMA SOLVED! Kudos to reader Chris for solving it with THE X-FILES: FIGHT THE FUTURE (1998).
Traumafessions :: Reader Holly T. on Moonlighting ep. "I See London, I See France, I See Maddie's Netherworld"

I was recently re-watching an episode from the final season of MOONLIGHTING ("I See London, I See France, I See Maddie's Netherworld"). The nightmare scene is surprisingly gory. I remember seeing a re-run of the episode on Lifetime when I was around 11. Even though it was shown in the middle of the day I got so scared I had to turn it off. Scary stuff.

Traumafessions :: Reader Melanie G. on Tales From the Darkside

I'm relieved and a bit anxious to get off my chest and confess the trauma which has eaten slowly away at my soul for years…
The TALES FROM THE DARKSIDE theme/intro. What evil beast composed that horrific bell chime tone? Not since the world infamous "Tubular Bells" has a simple bell theme made my heart race 'til I sweat. Then, there's that guy's voice.
It's like listening to Satan's alcoholic grandfather read you a nighty night story before he tucks you in and slices your throat.
Then…wait for it….at the end…. the ridiculously loud end note where all possible notes on that Casio keyboard are pressed at once and you can't help but wince in terror. And WTF is up with the beautiful nature/farm scenes turning into the demonic forest filled with hideously petrified wood all burnt up and a black sky?
I remember it playing late night when I was about 7 or so and having to cover my ears and yell to cover up the sound. This show, along with MONSTERS and FREDDY'S NEW NIGHTMARES were family favorites, don't ask me why. My brother used to jack me and call me into his room and blast it on high when I walked in. I would cry and cry and cry….in fear. That dude's voice and those bells were coming after me, and I was unable to defend myself against it's evil infiltration of my brain. SCARY doesn't even describe it. I was so traumatized by this I was flipping the channels late night a few weeks back and came upon it and had nightmares for weeks! WEEKS! Just from seeing the name of the show on the menu guide.
I hate you.
Traumafessions :: Reader Jason T. on Pennywise

When I was four years old and living in New Jersey, I was sent into a storm drain to retrieve a baseball that my brothers and friends lost during their game on the street. So into the black hole I went, I found the ball and then tried to get out and quickly realized that I was stuck and I could not get out. About an hour and a half later I emerged from the dark place thanks to my parents and friends from the neighborhood. While I was in the hole I had this terrifying feeling that something was in there with me. It was the longest hour and a half of my life, and the scariest.
A few years after the storm drain incident I caught my first viewing of Stephen King's IT on TV. While I watched the scene when Pennywise is in the storm drain and is trying to lure Georgie in I was more terrified than I ever had been since I had gone though a similar experience. Worst of all now I could put a face to the unknown thing that was in the dark hole with me, the face of Pennywise the evil clown. To this day that scene scares me like no other.