I just returned from Florida and during the Universal Horror Make-Up Show they showed a compilation of special effects from horror throughout the decades, one clip in particular caught my attention and would like to find out which film it's from.
It was only 5 seconds long but it had a monster/vampire similar to the monster from TOBE HOOPER's THE FUNHOUSE, he had broken through the roof of a house and was trying to get to someone on the roof (I think)….I'd be impressed if this one is solved.
Many thanks,
Paul B.

UPDATE: NAME THAT TRAUMA SOLVED! Per Paul, "Judging by the video it looks like ARMY OF DARKNESS (my least watched of the EVIL DEAD films). The 3 seconds when I was in the audience obviously wasn't enough to register with my brain. A shame, I was hoping it was some unseen gem." So kudos to UNK and thanks to Jergy for the assist!