I just found your site and OMG, thank goodness! Maybe someone can help me Name That Trauma!
When I was little, I watched some show…it seems like it was a made-for-T.V. joint, but I don't know for sure. All I remember is that near the end, some bully kids walked up to the main character's cat and said, "TJ, is this your cat?" and then threw it into the street into the path of oncoming traffic! It didn't show the cat being hit or anything, it was all off screen like the shooting of BAMBI's mother. But I've carried that scene with me for YEARS and I can't figure out what show or movie it came from! PLEASE help!
Love the site, and thanks in advance!
Jes K.
UPDATE: NAME THAT TRAUMA SOLVED! Special thanks to kingmoody for being the first to come forward with J.T.