Author: aunt john
Name That Trauma :: Reader Carl on Hot-Bodied Beasts
I remember seeing part of a Creature Feature-type movie on weekend television as a kid. This was probably in the late ‘70s, but the movie was an older black and white film. I don't remember much about it, and what I do might be distorted or wrong at this point.
Anyway, I think some people found one or more mysterious rock eggs. The eggs might have been baseball or softball sized. The eggs are brought back to a house and are left unattended. The people may have left the eggs in their fireplace. One or more monsters hatch out of the eggs and leave "burned" creature footprints on the carpet. I guess the monsters had extremely hot body temperatures.
I don't remember much about the monsters, but for some reason I think they might have been reptilian and/or invisible. I assume the monsters attacked various people, but I can't remember anything else.
Any help figuring out this movie would be much appreciated!
UPDATE: NAME THAT TRAUMA SOLVED! Special thanks to DavidFullam for solving this one with SOUND OF HORROR!
Reader Xaero on an Acidic Claymation Dog
I got one for you guys….
It happened when I was 11 or so. There was some claymation ‘toon on T.V. I was in a restaurant so there wasn't any sound, but I vividly remember:
- A woman in a wrestling ring surrounded by acid
- A dog (her dog?) getting thrown into the acid
- The dog struggling in the acid
- Cut to a scene a few seconds later with a dog SKELETON, still moving, in the acid pit and then sinking
I want to say it was CELEBRITY DEATHMATCH because of the wrestling ring.
UPDATE: NAME THAT TRAUMA SOLVED! Thanks to Tracky JonJon for pointing us towards the correct episode of CELEBRITY DEATHMATCH.
Traumafessions :: Reader Jack T. on The World Beyond, The Monster Club, The Crazies & Salem's Lot
I vividly remember THE WORLD BEYOND like it was yesterday and I was 7 years old when I saw it (now 39). My Parents were out and Grandparents were babysitting. When they fell asleep, I flipped channels to that movie by accident and it really was what led me to an affinity for the genres of horror and sci-fi ever since.
I was also turned on by a movie or short sequences within a movie which I think was called THE MONSTER CLUB or something like that. There is a short within that film that was nightmarish S-C-A-R-Y! At least to a nine year old anyway. I don't remember all of the details. Maybe you guys can refresh my memory?
I also vividly remember being freaked out by the original version of THE CRAZIES which is now out as a re-made feature.
Another film that always freaked me out was a HAMMER -type horror flick with PETER CUSHING where these aliens invaded the English countryside. They looked like a cooked turkey in size and shape and had a long snake-like neck. To kill them, you would have to split them in half with a blade and (what looked like) chicken noodle soup would spill out. It was twisted!
And one of my absolute favorite vampire flicks of all time…SALEM'S LOT.
No movie vampire was ever so gruesome.
I originally always felt that CHRISTOPHER LEE was the ultimate Dracula, but the way REGGIE NALDER played him in Salem's as kind of all powerful yet feral was terrifying.
When the character actor that plays "Mike" gets bit and he gives the college professor a heart attack after surprising him in the rocking chair. What a killer scene!!!
It would be great to see if my memories are accurate and if other folks related to these images as well.
UNK SEZ:That PETER CUSHING flick you mentioned has got to be 1966's ISLAND OF TERROR directed by TERRENCE FISHER! You can check out the trailer HERE!
NOTE: Thanks to BADMOVIES.ORG for the yummy picture above!
Traumafessions :: Reader Denise C. on Tommy
First off, I LOVE this site. It has brought back some long lost memories for me.
I was a child of the early days of cable and was able to watch whatever I wanted. So needless to say I have quite a few traumas to share as the '70s was a pretty wild era for movies. For now I give you this one.
Let's see I must have been 7 or 8.
My Trauma?
Just typing the words to this freaky rock opera gives me the chills. I recall the Acid Queen with flashes of a skeleton and snake. The weird uncle and pedophile cousin with the torture tools. ELTON JOHN with super high platforms and the TV vomiting out beans in a white bedroom with ANN MARGARET "bathing" in it yuck!! Just typing this out I feel the need to take a long hot shower. All I can say is this movie made me feel dirty and violated. I may not be spot on in my memories as I REFUSE to watch this ever again.
And yes I have seen THE WALL and loved it.
Name That Trauma :: Reader Courtney on a Killed Cleaner
Greetings and salutations, Kindertrauma!
Long time lurker, first time poster here … anywho, I used to watch USA UP ALL NIGHT in the late '80's when I was 11 or 12. My parents were remote control Nazis (somehow they didn't have a problem with their little angel reading STEPHEN KING as a child, but R-rated movies were off limits!), but I'd sneak out after they went to bed. How USA was able to play such classics as ZOMBI or DEMONS 2 on basic cable is beyond me.
This movie has been driving me nuts for a ridiculous amount of time (like, YEARS). It was set in a high school. There was some kind of slasher/serial killer involved, who had a goofy laugh. The school lab may have been involved. At the end, you see a janitor's bucket-on-wheels thingie being pushed, and it looks like the janitor from the back. Then you hear the killer's crazed giggle, and you know the janitor is dead … cue end credits.
Does this ring any bells? It's probably from the early '80's.
By the way, your site is amazing. You're doing a real public service. By which I mean I lurk about when I should be doing homework.
Thanks a ton,
UPDATE: NAME THAT TRAUMA SOLVED! Reader magired moves to the head of the class for being the first one with a hand up for RETURN TO HORROR HIGH!
Name That Trauma :: Prospero of Caliban's Revenge on an Aborted Burning
Prospero here from Caliban's Revenge. Love your site and visit it every day and finally decided to see if you can help me figure this one out. When I was a kid, I caught this scene on T.V. in the early ‘70s:
A young girl (maybe 12) in '50s or '60s clothing is tied to a stake atop a pile of wood while a friend stands by. The girl tied at the stake is begging her friend to burn her at the stake, because she is sure she's a witch. The horrified friend refuses, no matter how much the girl begs her.
The scene was played very seriously, with ominous music. I think my mother may have made me change the channel, because I have no idea what happened next. I don't know if this was a scene from a movie or a T.V. show, but it's stuck with me all these years. I would love to know what it's from so I can maybe revisit it and see what happens next.
Keep up the great work!
Name That Trauma :: Reader Jeremy on Vampire Pools
Off the bat, I want to say I love your website…I was lucky enough to figure out one traumatic scene from childhood on my own (the head coming out of the table in THE MANITOU), but this one is still nagging at me…
It was the end of a movie I saw when I was about 9 years old…a woman was being chased by a vampire (or Satanist?), who cornered her in an empty in-ground pool. As I remember it, she was saved by the sheriff, but then he locked her in a cell; as it turned out, the whole town were vampires (or something like that), and the movie ended with a freeze frame of her screaming.
It's hard to say why I found it so scary at the time, I think part of it was the low budget film quality-it looked like it was shot on super-8, which gave it a cinéma vérité kind of feeling-but I'd really like to see it again now. Any ideas?
UPDATE: NAME THAT TRAUMA SOLVED! Thanks to sumo1964 for pointing us towards WARLOCK MOON (a.k.a. BLOODY SPA)!
Traumafessions :: Kinderpal Senski of Heart in a Jar on Frankie Stein & His Ghouls
When my parents would go on a shopping trip and I'd have to stay with a baby-sitter, they'd always bring me back some kind of present, either a book or a record or both. When I was five, they purchased an LP that became one of my favorites as a child – "Monster Melodies" by Frankie Stein and His Ghouls!
Not an awful lot is known about the group, but during the mid '60s, within the space of seven months, they banged out 5 albums of fairly decent surf rock, with all the hot dances of the time – Frug, Hully Gully, Twist, Swim, Mashed Potato – represented, with song titles like "In a Groovy Grave," "Knives and Lovers," and "Ain't Got No Body." But the real selling point for the records were the eerie sound effects that were scattered through all the tracks – screams, moans, chains rattling, maniacal laughter. In most cases they were just silly fun, but there was one voice that showed up frequently with chilling demands to "Twisssst…..Twissssssssst….TWISSSSSST!!!" (I've checked other boards about Frankie, and it seems there were more than a few who were creeped out by that voice.) They've since come to be prized by DJs, who love to throw some Frankie into the mix at Halloween. QUENTIN TARANTINO, do you know about these?
But the music is not the focus of this Traumafession. After I got my first taste of Frankie, I wanted more, and eventually in a late 60s cut-out bin (God, I miss those!) I found a copy of another of his albums – "Ghoul Music."
Now my parents bought it for me, and I don't think I gave the cover too much mind at first. But once I got it home, I couldn't stop looking at it, and it really began to get under my skin. I saw the jacket art two ways: 1) The different-colored claw belonged to someone – or something – else, and it was pulling back the flesh around the eye socket and making it bleed, or more disturbingly, 2) That was the ghoul's own hand, and it was performing a horrible act of self-mutilation. I'd say that, within a month, I had my parents throw the record jacket away, and I kept both of my Frankie albums in the same sleeve. To this day, the concept of eye trauma really gets to me.
In 2006 a company called Groovy Grinds re-released "Ghoul Music" as a CD with Stein's "Shock! Terror! Fear!" – and when I bought a copy, I flipped the CD booklet so that the "Ghoul" art was on the inside!
Thanks, guys – hope you're doing well!
UNK SEZ: Thank YOU Senski! Is there anything better than a fresh traumafession from our pal Senski? What a great way to start the weekend! Remember kids you can take advantage of Senski's wit and wisdom whenever you please by dropping by HEART IN A JAR!
Traumafessions/Name That Trauma :: Reader Amanda R. on Beastmaster, Clash of the Titans & a Guy Snapped in Half
Hi there,
I'm a regular visitor to the Kindertrauma site, and it's been quite interesting (and oddly entertaining) to see everyone's childhood traumas. Some traumafessions have actually exposed me to movies/TV shows that I was previously unaware of, but am now eager to track down (i.e., MAKING CONTACT a.k.a. JOEY and A GIRL NAMED SOONER.)
Anyway, some of my personal traumafessions have already appeared on the site via other people's submissions, but there are a few that I haven't noticed yet. One is the scene in BEASTMASTER where those wicked-looking "bat-men" appear, and that unfortunate escapee runs right into the open arms (or… "wings", I guess) of a bat-man. Thus, the kindertrauma ensues… I remember seeing that scene as a five- or six-year-old and feeling completely horrified. The two details I remember most are the guy's muffled screams and attempts to push out of the entrapment, and that one lovely shot where his liquidy remains drip down and run under the bat-man's feet. The shot of the bat-man opening his wings and releasing a gigantic pile of bones was pretty morose as well… Yeah, that scene haunted me for a good long time. And, for some reason, my mind re-imagined the liquidy remains as some kind of light green, Pert shampoo type of thing. Don't ask me why, because I have no frickin' idea. I guess it's just part of my crazy imagination.
Anyway, speaking of movie scenes that haunted my mind for ages… There was also the shudder-inducing "Medusa" claymation, which was part of the film CLASH OF THE TITANS. It was another film that I saw at a tender age, and the image of Medusa's glowing eyes and slithering head of snakes imprinted itself on my mind. The way that she emerges from the darkness, and the image of her blood spilling onto the floor after she's slain… Yeah, I still remember standing in my kiddy pool, in heavy downpour, having these images flash across my mind seemingly every 30 seconds. I also remember an image of my mother, when we were going to the grocery store or something. It was probably later the same day that I was (attempting to be) playing in the pool with my siblings. We were sitting in the family van, parked in the lot. She spit out a bright green hard candy, held it between her finger and thumb, and tossed it out the window. The static image of her holding the bright green lozenge on the edge of the open window, preparing to toss it out into heavy rain and grey pavement, inexplicably triggered the Medusa scene in my mind–not to mention, it bothered me that she was throwing out a good piece of candy! Even now, about 15 years later, when I remember the Medusa scene, I automatically think of this memory too. Again, don't ask me why. It is the mysteries of the human mind, I suppose.
Okay. now that I have those traumafessions off my chest, I wanted to put forth a possible "Name That Trauma!" This one time, when I was in my preteen or early teenaged years, I was flipping through the channels, and caught this short moment in some film or T.V. show. I'm guessing, from what little I saw, that it was late ‘80s, early ‘90s.
The only thing I can really remember is that group #1 was brawling with group #2 (both were mostly young "rebel" guys) in some kind of abandoned warehouse setting, maybe. Well, it was indoors, that's what I remember. Anyway, in the midst of all this mayhem, these two guys (possibly brothers? close friends?) were scooting along a wall. I think guy #1 had his back to the wall, and guy #2 had his belly to the wall. Well, unfortunately for guy #2, there happened to be someone with superhuman strength on the other side of the wall; whoever it was busted through, grabbed guy #2, and pulled him through the hole, snapping his body in half on the way (ouch!). Guy #1 watches in horror, and after guy #2 is yanked through the wall, he (guy #1) peeks through, and the next frame is a shot of guy #2, lying on the floor in two pieces, with entrails and a pool of blood between the two halves.
If anyone has any inkling of an idea what I'm referring to, I would be glad to hear suggestions! This short moment has stayed with me for about 10 years, and I honestly have no idea what movie/T.V. show it could possibly be. I'm 100% sure I didn't imagine this scene, 'cause I clearly remember seeing it while flipping through the T.V. channels.
Anyway, that's all for now. Keep up the great work!
UPDATE: NAME THAT TRAUMA SOLVED! Special thanks to DavidFullam for schooling us on CLASS OF 1999!