I watched this movie as a tot.
We got a VCR, when they first became popular. There were very few kid movies to rent at that time. My mother thought that this film was appropriate for me and my older brother and rented it over and over and over again. My brother and I hadn't discussed this movie in over 20 years, when one day it came up. I didn't remember the plot or the movie itself (I was that young), I only recalled the bunnies, blood and horrifying violence. My brother then chimed in with the name of the movie and how traumatizing he too thought it was.
I'm 33 years old and still have nightmares. I think about renting it and watching it as an adult; thinking it won't be as traumatic and may ease my mind… but I'm too scared.
AUNT JOHN SEZ: Thanks for the great traumafession Nicole. If you are looking to start an adult support group for this bloody bunny traumatizer, we can hook you up with Readers Greta and Matt N.