I was hoping you, or one of your readers could help me with this movie I remember from my childhood (I was maybe 8 or 9 years old, and would rent VHS tapes from the local Video Gallery's horror section like crazy). It was from the ‘80s, and it was a collection of short films, like CREEPSHOW, or TALES FROM THE CRYPT. I remember the wrap-around story had something to do with a guy who rented a video tape, and is talking with his buddy on the phone to come over and watch with him (not sure if he ever did or not).
I only remember two of the stories. One dealt with a guy who was fishing in a small pond, hooks a small fish, and tosses it back. Later in the piece, he sees an apple on the ground, takes a bite, and gets hooked, and dragged into the lake. I wanna say it was called "The Little Fishy" or something.
The second tale had a delivery guy who is driving through a small town looking for Highway 29 (or something like that). He asks a guy on a porch, though he won't give him the directions until he takes time to have a cup of coffee. The driver refuses, possibly insults him, and for the rest of the piece, proceeds to go in every direction looking for this highway, never finding it, but constantly coming back to the guy who offered him coffee.
I know I'm not insane, and just dreamt those up. But unfortunately, NOBODY knows what the Hell I'm talking about!
Thanks, and here's hoping somebody can help figure it out.
UPDATE: NAME THAT TRAUMA SOLVED! Reader Senski came to the rescue again with 1986's VINCENT PRICE-helmed ESCAPES.