Your Unkle Lancifer does not hate SILVER BULLET, he just doesn't get all the love for it. Many readers, whose opinions I respect, adore this COREY HAIM-starring STEPHEN KING adaptation. If you are a SILVER BULLET enthusiast here is your chance to speak up and defend the honor of your beloved movie! This upcoming Friday (6/6/08) we will post all the positive SILVER BULLET valentines you kids can come up with alongside an unbiased take from your dear old Aunt John. If you have some positive words on this furry flick send them to us at and let me know what I'm missing. Who needs an unenthusiastic review from yours truly when you guys can spread all the SILVER love together?
In other Kindertrauma news, Aunt John put down his bottle of Peppermint Schnapps and pack of Virginia Slims long enough to upgrade our operating system to WordPress version 2.5.1. He also has made the commenting process user-friendlier by installing a WYSIWYG-editor. Now you can make hyper-links, make items bold or italicized, and spell-check before you post your comments. Also, he has incorporated user icons into the commenter process via Gravatars. Creating your own icon is easy and free, just visit to create your icon (make sure that the e-mail address you use with them is the same one you used with us when you first signed up as a commenter). If you do not create an icon (and you don't have to if you really don't want to), the default image of Kindertrauma's mascot clown will appear next to your name in the commenting section.