It's October, the busiest month of the year and I should be harvesting pumpkins, caramelizing apples and stitching together TUCKER & DALE Halloween costumes for myself and Aunt John but I can't put down BUTCHER KNIVES & BODY COUNTS: ESSAYS ON THE FORMULA, FRIGHTS & FUN OF THE SLASHER FILM. If you like horror movies at all then you should be reading it too. It's not like any book I've ever encountered and I'm not just saying that because I contributed to it…although yes, that small fact certainly does make it different from any book I'm aware of. Sorry obituary page! Your plans to be the first to print my name have been foiled!
Let's forget about me for a moment (geez, that was a little too easy for you), this incredible tome was edited by Bram Stoker award winner VINCE LIAGUNO, has a forward by ADAM ROCKOFF, author of the essential GOING TO PIECES: THE RISE AND FALL OF THE SLASHER FILM, features an afterward by ANTHONY TIMPONE of FANGORIA fame and in between, it gushes with over seventy contributors including folks like director ADAM GREEN (HATCHET, FROZEN) and author JACK KETCHUM (THE GIRL NEXT DOOR, THE LOST.) You'll even bump into neighbors of Kindertrauma who have dropped by from time to time like AMANDA REYES of MADE FOR TV MAYHEM and ol' pal JEFF ALLARD of DINNER WITH MAX JENKE among many, many others.
That's the great thing about this book; there are so many different voices in one place and they've all gathered because they have one thing in common, a passionate love for slasher films. The scope of the volume is extraordinary, reaching back to slasher seedlings of the thirties all the way up to the present. As for me, I happily took on three of my favorite flicks: THE FUNHOUSE, HELL NIGHT and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME and I'm honored to be included in such a eclectic grouping of equally devout enthusiasts. I guess what I'm saying is, if you don't hear from me for a while, you'll know where I am; happily lost in the pages of this book. You can order BUTCHER KNIVES AND BODY COUNTS at Amazon HERE or check out its official home HERE.