We must take a short break from the IAHTKY cavalcade to perform an important Kindertrauma ritual. Today is Arbogast Day! Although Arby has pulled the plug on his superlative blog, it is still necessary that we take part in his "The One I Might Have Saved" thing-a-ma-bob to insure a rich healthy harvest of traumafessions this year. To activate the sacrament I must simply pick one horror movie character that dies on film that I'd rather have not die. Nobody readily appeared in my head but then I remembered that I had just viewed FRIDAY THE 13TH: PART 3 again and had decided that I love the character Vera Sanchez as played by CATHERINE PARKS. I'm going to save Vera! It's a tough decision because her death is pretty awesome and it's Jason's very first kill wearing a hockey mask but the heart wants what the heart wants and all that jazz.

I'm sorry but I like Vera way better than that uptight final squirrel Chris Higgins. Vera's just as easy on the eyes (though her red outfit is a little too match-y-match-y for my taste), yet she is much more aware of the feelings of those around her. She defuses nerdy Shelly's advances in an understanding way and she's quick to stroke his ego after they both escape the most dangerous three member gang in the world. Aw, she even looks genuinely touched when she come across a picture in Shelly's wallet of him and his mom. Plus she's endearingly flawed too; butterfingers drops the darn wallet in Crystal Lake! Now if I'm going to point Jason's arrow elsewhere to spare Vera should I point it at Chris? I thought about that but no, the arrow must hit the eyeball of the bitch behind the counter at the grocery store wearing the pig T-shirt who has the gall to tell my Vera, "We don't accept no green stamps." Excuse me? Yep, that one deserves an arrow in both eyes. So, there we are done. "He who walks behind the rows" has been fed. Happy Arbogast Day everyone and Vera, don't ever change!