Category: Kindertrauma Funhouse
Season of the Funhouse!
UNK SEZ: Thanks to the folks at SCREAM FACTORY, this past Tuesday saw the release of HALLOWEEN III: SEASON OF THE WITCH on Blu-ray! To celebrate, here is a special H3 puzzle! Can you put these images in their correct order? The first and last are correct (A=1 and O=15) but in what order should the others go? If figuring this out gives you the same type of headache putting this together gave me, feel free to guess!
One random lucky commenter is going to win a set of five SCREAM FACTORY buttons! You'll get HALLOWEENs 2 & 3, TERROR TRAIN, THEY LIVE and fittingly, THE FUNHOUSE! Good luck!!!
Resident Evil Funhouse!
RESIDENT EVIL: RETRIBUTION opens today! Can you believe Alice (MILLA JOVOVICH) has been kicking ass for ten years now? I can't claim to be the most devoted fan of the series but I've gotta give props when they are due. I enjoyed the last two installments better than the first two and how often can one say that about an aging franchise? Flaws noted, RESIDENT EVIL threw zombies back on the big screen before they became ubiquitous and even though I don't always understand what is going on in a RESIDENT EVIL picture, I gotta say, MILLA is pretty awesome. Additionally, I would like to shake RESIDENT EVIL's hand for never resorting to using numbers in any of the sequel titles! In honor of all that, below are four pairs of images from the previous installments with THREE discrepancies in each! Can you find them before the Umbrella Corporation sics a contaminated undead dog on you? Good luck!
Kindertrauma Funhouse!
UNK SEZ: Can you spot the TEN differences in these two pictures? This should be an easy one! Sorry if this was a slow week here at KIndertrauma but it's only because I'm working on a big giant secret project! Just kidding, I've just always wanted to say that! Have a blast of a weekend kids and see ya real soon!
Kindertrauma Funhouse!
UNK SEZ: Can you spot the TEN differences in these two photos? This is the house that scared and fascinated your poor Unk when he was a kid! It's right next door to where my Grandma used to live and behind both houses believe it or not, is an old graveyard. If all goes as my delusional imagination plans, someday Kindertrauma Headquarters will be in there!