Category: Toy Chest
The Bloodening

Since THE SIMPSONS MOVIE has proven to be a worldwide success there's only one next logical step. A full-length animated feature of THE BLOODENING is in order. The VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED parody seen in the tenth season's eleventh episode WILD BARTS CAN'T BE BROKEN left us craving more, much MORE. So get on it SIMPSONS animators, we want more of the little blighters. We won't sleep until we get the full story behind the Doctor and the bootblack rogering the fishwife in the crumpet shop! Â
Lego HOSTEL (aka Toy-ture Porn)
NEW! from Kindertoy Inc… Baby It's Alive

Based on the lovable baby from the IT'S ALIVE trilogy, this new toy will keep your children entertained for hours* before it kills them!
*Actual hours of entertainment before death may vary
What's The Diff?
THE SWORD AND THE SORCERER (1982) was not a scary movie. It was a swash-buckley, over the top action-adventure covered in a big orange mound of Velveeta. All the gals wore ridiculous wigs and were often topless, and all the dudes wore loincloths and were often flogged. Something for everybody! Especially if you are partial to hearts being pulled from chests, heads being sliced in two, and people ripping their own skin off! The opening scene was a standout and it actually did creep out many a critter. Porridge mugged RICHARD LYNCH resurrected a lizard-faced RICHARD MOLL from the bowels of hell with the help of a soon to be deceased witch. The vessel that the creature arises from is covered with stone faces that come to squirmy life with the aid of yummy plastic fantastic eighties style special effects. Both these shots are from said scene but the second one has NINE distinct differences. Can you find them all before the world explodes?…GO!

Our plastic hats are off to this faithful, almost shot-by-shot recreation of the seasonal classic HALLOWEEN:
We picked our fave scene, but the whole movie can be seen @ legochainsawmassacre.