Category: Traum-mercial Break
Traum-mercial Break :: Creepy Condom Ads
These LEGENDS CONDOM adverts are both hilarious and slightly disturbing. They appear to be singing the same warning as the ever popular ZAZOO condom commercial below…
Traum-mercial Break :: Krazy Karpet
UNK SEZ: Christmas means family, and here at Kindertrauma Castle family means adopted cousin Kitty Leclaw of KILLER KITTENS FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE fame! Our long lost relative stopped by recently to tell us exactly what was on the top of her wish-ker list this year. No, it's not a scratching post, she's got plenty of those! Kitty covets a Krazy Karpet!
Traum-merical Break :: X-Mas at Kiddie City & Woolworth's
AUNT JOHN SEZ: Normally, your Aunt John turns a blind eye towards the siren-song shenanigans of M.I.L.F.s…. but I am finding it super-hard to resist these blazers, shoulder pads, and dance moves.
Traum-merical Break :: X-Mas at Toys 'R Us
AUNT JOHN SEZ: If anyone out there actually got the Viewmaster's Talking 3-D thing-a-ma-bob with MICHAEL JACKSON's THRILLER cartridges, please e-mail Aunt John immediately, and then marry me.