Have I told you lately how much I love COMET TV? I was stuck in bed with a cold the other day and it practically saved my life! In gratitude, today's FUNHOUSE features movies exclusive to COMET TV this month! Watch them all for FREE on your TV or check them out live-streaming HERE!

I'm going to take guesses because I'm not quite certain about any of these.
1. To All a Goodnight
2. Squirm
5. Mac & Me
3.) New Years Evil
10.) Troll 2
7. is Frogs. cuz that's an non-mustachioed Sam Elliot
8 Daughters of Satan 1972 (Before Magnum PI)
4. Motel Hell
Madamoiselle Macabre is so right about number 4. If only you had pictured John Ratzenberger without the sack on his head, I would've gotten it. lol
Here are the answers!
The top and bottom TV image is from THE TWONKY (1953)
2 SQUIRM= matt again!
3 NEW YEARS EVIL= Yay DDD! Pinky approves!
4 MOTEL HELL= MM always impresses!!!!!
5 MAC AND ME the McDonalds flavored masterpiece! Matt Sunshine rules!
7 FROGS excellent job Tomb!!!!!
8 DAUGHTERS OF SATAN!!!! amazing work chairman
Thats an awesome job by all!!! Here are the remainders…. 6 is a tough one!
6= THE HAUNTED HOUSE OF HORROR!= I gotta watch that!
9= CRITTERS- this one was too easy at first cuz I had a picture of the alien bounty hunters so I changed to this impossible image- sorry!
10= BEYOND THE DOOR 3 aka AMOK TRAIN! which is so crazy and Italian you gotta check it out!!!!
Here is a Full list of All the movies on COMET this month….
Thanks to all who played and have a great weekend!!!