Don't bury me I'm not dead! Sorry I have not been around lately but boy was I sick and not in the cute sniffles and terrycloth slippers way that allows for binging on KATE & ALLIE reruns either but in that way when you can't even sleep because your body is a sack of stolen silverware and Satan is using your lungs for Jell-0 molds and you spend your time praying to the cenobites to maybe not be so stingy with the oblivion. Luckily I love the taste of medicine and can drink it all day and am actually now starting to fantasize about opening a bar that only serves shots of Robitussin and extra strength liquid Mucinex. Yum. Anyway, here's some stuff I watched through queasy-colored glasses…

If you can still catch this in the movie theater you should, even though I'm convinced that walking past the poster for JEM and the HOLOGRAMS is how I caught my death-flu. I may even be so bold as to say that CRIMSON might be my favorite Guillermo del Toro movie. I know it's probably not as worthy as either PAN'S LABYRINTH or THE DEAVIL'S BACKBONE but it has much better re-watch value for me because it's not emotionally taxing in any way. And let's face it, I can be super shallow and sometimes I just want to gawk at a movie and bask in its visuals and bypass all the chin music. CRIMSON PEAK's story is pretty frivolous and inconsequential and it almost got into trouble with me for having a helpful ghost at the end (luckily it didn't physically interact with anything so I gave it a pass) but it's an absolute stunner to look at overall (give or take a few gaudy effects) and the entire cast is mostly phenomenal (special shout out to SUPERNATURAL's much missed JIM BEAVER!). CRIMSON may have stumbled at the box office but I'm here to tell you that once it finds its intended audience, it's sure to become a cult classic. I want to own it and I want to watch it every time it snows for the rest of my life.

What kind of person watches THE PYRAMID on HBO while chomping on CHEEZ-IT encrusted chicken fingers and left over Halloween candy? A garbage person and that's me! Dudes, I was at the height of my hallucinating, barely coherent, flipping in and out of consciousness coupled with a ferocious fever/death-dream when I sort of viewed this bucket of why bother and it held my hand and walked me toward the light. Sure, it's terrible but my brain could only handle soft food anyway. Did you know there is no mummy in this movie? Aren't you happy to hear that? Instead it's got BOOGENS-behavin' CGI kitty cats and a jackal headed ALIEN-esque monster stomping around its halls! That's not a spoiler, that's a selling point! I would have seen this mess in the theater if the advertising told me as much! On the down side, PYRAMID is as stupid as a rock, looks like it was filmed in a left over SID & MARTY KROFT LAND OF THE LOST set and is crying like a baby for a more charismatic lead than whoever the hell that blonde lady was. God help me though, I did enjoy heckle-watching this flick and I want to thank it for kindly delivering on the gore and adorable monsters.

At this point nothing gives me more pause than an independent horror movie carting around a satchel of near unanimous positive reviews. Moreover, if it happens to sport a fawning blurb from one of the larger horror websites on its DVD cover I interpret that as more of a red flag warning than an endorsement. I know that's cynical, I'm just telling you my truth, I almost skipped right on by WE ARE STILL HERE on account of all the moonie-flavored gushing surrounding it. Even more suspicious was the fact that the flick's got LARRY FESSENDEN in it! I can't trust reviewers to be clear-headed when he's around. The guy is a hypnotist!

Anyway, eventually my curiosity got the better of me and I went against my jaded nature and gave it a twirl and guess what? I thought it deserved a pat on the back or maybe a high-five. How was I not going to dig charred gooby-ghoulies with glowing eyes that looked like they fell off THE FOG's Elizabeth Dane? Plus the flick has got a strong sense of setting and there's a nifty retro vibe and frankly, a supernatural stew of occult mumbo jumbo was exactly what the doctor ordered. I was also very much impressed with BARBARA CRAMPTON's glum performance. The rest of the acting ranged from passable to cringe-worthy but I thought CRAMPTON was the bee's depressed knees. Alright, I'm gonna smoosh a gold star sticker on this movie's face for setting up a delightfully dismal mood and for delivering the gory goods instead of jerking everybody around but I'm also going to say it's needlessly convoluted, there's plenty o' room for improvement in the dialogue department and (most damning) I could possibly live without owning the DVD. Maybe.

ASH vs EVIL DEAD (2015)
People like to call me on my landline and say "Hey! You're too nostalgic! Why don't you like modern stuff? You only like old junk! Get with it Pops!" which is obviously super annoying. I almost started believing those turds until I saw ASH vs EVIL DEAD and was reminded by its brilliant recapturing of the spirit of the original series that movies really were tons better in the eighties. Not my fault. This ASH show is funny, scary (sorry, those possessed deadites still get to me) and most of all, refreshingly buoyant and lively. And get this, I think Ash is even more Ash now that he's hit curmudgeonly over-the-hill mode! It's so perfect for him. Sadly I don't have STARZ so I may have to wait to keep up to date but as for now, the first episode is available free online or as a special cable preview. Now THIS is a godsend folks. The more Ash the better I always say! Now I'm so glad I didn't die this week!

Being not dead and sparked with new hope for the future thanks to my pal ASH, I decided it was time for me to crawl out of my cave and take a peek at what I was missing on the Internet. What I found was an avalanche of inanities concerning Christmas cups and a couple of dunderheads disrespecting the sad death of beloved horror icon GUNNAR HANSEN who famously portrayed the lucky person who got to kill Franklin Hardesty in THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE. Something deep within my soul said; "Oh, hells no" and so I ran into the strong welcoming arms of NETFLIX streaming where I will always belong…

Nothing can cheer a guy up more than watching a catered event destroyed by a swarm of killer wasps and STUNG is swell enough to overfill my plate by suggesting said wasps also grow to the size of Volkswagens and more than occasionally burst out of people's skins. If you are a fan of slimy, over-the-top practical effects you've just hit pay dirt and then some but stand warned that the characters and story don't gel any firmer than the rivers of goo. I dunno, I kept feeling like I had caught this flick in the middle even though I hadn't and I guess I would have appreciated more time to establish things. Still, if you are a fan of say, 1993's TICKS you are going to want to check this twisted sister out. There's even a memorable weird-o performance by CLIFTON COLLINS JR. that struck me as possibly inspired by CLINT HOWARD's turn in that flick. Nope, it's not nearly as fun as TICKS but it comes a hell of a lot closer to crawling along side it than your standard CGI monster flick.

KRISTY (2014)
Whilst myself and Aunt John were wantonly watching THE UNAUTHORIZED MELROSE PLACE STORY on LIFETIME we were bombarded with ads claiming that a week later we could watch KRISTY, the story of a college lass who skips Thanksgiving break and is fittingly attacked by people wearing aluminum foil masks resembling angry, abandoned baked potatoes. Of course we showed up that very next week but where was KRISTY? She was a no-show and some dumb other thing was presented instead. I figured that was that and I'd never hear of KRISTY again but the fates had different plans and this chilly thriller that concerns itself with random acts of unkindness materialized on our buddy Netflix. The nice thing about KRISTY is that it is a patient movie and it takes it time and it builds some legitimate moments of suspense. The FINAL EXAM campus setting and autumnal atmosphere don't hurt either. On the minus side, there's a repetitiveness to the cat and mouse play and when it switches to ye old building weapons and booby traps HOME ALONE-mode, it's basically paint by numbers. I applaud the build up simmer though and promise to buy it a Mountain Dew and a pumpkin pie for at least being original enough not to utilize tired old livestock masks.

Wait a minute. This movie got to me. Something about working late at night, alone is so unnerving. LAST SHIFT concerns a lady cop on her first night of work having to hang out at a police station that's preparing to close so it's sort of like NIGHTWATCH mixed with ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 13 but with a hell'o bunch of super-yikes supernatural shenanigans going down. There's one shot that I truly hated involving JACOB'S LADDER-style shaking figures that I felt was way too dated and obvious but otherwise LAST SHIFT is a surprisingly eerie effort and seriously supplies the mind-trippy spooks. The make up is amazing. There's a demon face that appears in this flick that I felt compelled to turn away from that puts that Bugaboody dude from SINISTER to abject shame. Huh, so I guess as far as actually scaring me, this LAST SHIFT picture takes the prize. Who'd have thunk? Then again, I was watching some sitcom on TBS and they thought it might be a good idea to advertise an upcoming show about bugs by having a giant striped cockroach of some sort crawl over their logo on the corner of the TV screen and it almost made me simultaneously loose my lunch and my feeble sanity so maybe it's just my state of mind. All right, I'm going back to bed.
EPILOGUE: G.I. JOE episode: There's No Place Like Springfield
We received a traumafession years ago about this episode of the animated G.I. JOE series concerning sailor extraordinaire "Shipwreck" and his mental unraveling as he discovers he is living in false reality and witnesses trusted allies transforming into wailing blobs of molten gray sludge on several occasions. I'd like to know why it's being shown at 5 in the morning when I can't sleep. Why?
NOTE: The very top image is of a painting by artist HUEY CROWLEY and I had zero permission to hang it sideways.

Being sick like that sucks! I'm glad your feeling better!
I really enjoyed Crimson Peak, too! You you hit the nail on the head saying that it's maybe not as good as Pan's Labyrinth or The Devil's Backbone, but it's less emotionally taxing! Those movies (along with The Orphanage) I loved, but they killed me inside. Crimson Peak was just straight up enjoyable. I'd watch the hell out of that again!
I did enjoy the Pyramid because it had that guy for American Horror Story and it actually included a cool interpretation of Anubis. Although, the better pick of the final girl would have to be the kick ass mountain climbing reporter.
We Are Still Here: I'm afraid I fell into the 'awesome reviews' pit of no return with this one and was a bit disappointed, but I LOVED the look of the burnt ghosts!
Last is the best movie I can remember seeing for ages. And it does get to you! I LOVED it! I watched it on Halloween in a cabin in the woods and it left us feeling deliciously unsettled. My brother, who used to work nights as a security guard on construction sites and empty buildings before he became a police officer, has not yet seen this movie even though I keep telling him to. Perhaps because I kept telling him to watch things that would creep him out during his night shifts. I might be a mean big sister.
I now feel a deep need in my soul to watch Stung. I will always have a place in my heart for a good creature feature.
Ash vs The Evil Dead will be watched tonight!
Thanks for the awesome suggestions as always!
Thanks JennyD13!
I’m with you on CP and I’m so glad I saw it in the theater. Pyramid was strangely enjoyable and you’re right, they should have had the reporter be the hero. I was happy to see Denis O’hare from AHS too. He had a good part in Town That Dreaded Sundown too. He’s turning out to be a great character actor and I’m glad he’s sticking with horror. They really should have sold Pyramid as a monster movie and dropped anything that made it look like a found footage flick. That creature was super cool and now I want to watch a bunch of Egypt/mummy movies. I wish 1981’s THE AWAKENING and SPHINX were on Youtube but they aren’t. I did find Dawn of The mummy today from the same year for 2 bucks though!
Poor WE ARE STILL HERE. Peeps really should curb their enthusiasm on that one it isn’t fair to the movie. I wish I could have just stumbled into it on Netflix. Do love the ghosts and the general vibe.
LAST SHIFT is awesome right? It’s not flawless but it really gets into your brain and I think it’s pretty darn scary. Spoked me out.
If you like creature features STUNG is going to be lots of fun and you’re going to love ASH vs EVIL DEAD. They did a swell job. Can’t wait to see more.