DEVIL TIMES FIVE is the most fashionable film ever made and I've got the evidence to prove it. Look at these people! They should be world famous fashion icons. And these image captures are only a drop in the bucket- I had to restrain myself from including more. Whoever was responsible for the wardrobe in this movie should have won at least five Oscars!

Oh my lord, it's like the entire '70s condensed into just a few photos! Magical!
And now I have that INXS song "Devil Inside" stuck in my head but with the lyrics changed to "Devil Times Five". I have to move on to another movie before I'm trapped in DTF forever. That might not be so bad though- I could use some snow.
Did actress Joan McCall steal one of those plaid shirts from the guys to wear in GRIZZLY?
She's totally rocking the DTF look.
Thanks for reminding me this is the perfect time of year to watch GRIZZLY.
I'm glad I was born in the 1970s so I wouldn't have any serious memories of the fashion. Pretty hideous. This did remind me of a time I was perusing scans of old Sears catalogs online and found the exact same shirt that Ben Affleck wore in Dazed and Confused when he got the paint dumped on him.