Hey it's Easter Sunday so it's likely many of you are hanging out with a giant bunny. But just in case some of you fine folks need something to watch later, let me inform you that our pals at COMET TV will be airing a favorite of mine this afternoon, STUART GORDON'S 1987 masterwork DOLLS! Oh how I love everything about this movie! I love the old dark house atmosphere, the beautifully done stop-motion special effects, the cast of charming character actors, the well-timed appearance of video vixens, the creepiness, the music box score and I love that it's short, sweet and to the point like any good fable. I also love that it's all about the tragedy of transforming into a douchebag and losing touch with hope, imagination and your inner, not a narrow minded selfish jerk yet, child. I wrote a review for this gem way back HERE but I think I like the movie even more now than I did back then. In fact, I'd dare say it's in my top twenty favorite horror movies- I love it that much. I mean it's got a giant killer teddy bear in it for crying out loud. Giant killer teddy bears are way cooler than giant rabbits! If you haven't seen it before give it a watch and if you have seen it before know that it holds up to infinite viewings and watch it again! You'll find it RIGHT HERE at 4pm ET! Hop to it! You'll be hoppy you did!

I LOVE this movie! It was a favourite of mine growing up and I think it deserves more love
You're totally right! It is like a horror fable and I do like it when bad guys get their comeuppance.
Adding my voice to the "love this movie!"chorus. I remember renting this one back in the day,expecting silly fun,and ending up with much more at the end of the day.