Your Unkle Lancifer is getting very excited about seeing FRAYED which will be released on DVD August 25th. FRAYED has been getting some excellent reviews and word of mouth and just check out its trailer; a psychotic kid who becomes a crazed clown? How kindertraumatic is that? We're going to try to get our hands on a screener A.S.A.P. so we can tell you more, but in the meantime, watch the clip below. It looks like an old school, suspense driven, straight forward slasher; sign me up!
NOTE: You can visit the official website for FRAYED right HERE!
This looks intriguing and promising! Clowns give me the major creeps, so that is a plus. Keep us posted Unk!
Yes please keep us posted! This looks awesome on so many levels.
Have they just re-re-made Halloween without actually calling it "Halloween"? I'd still probably watch Frayed over that Rob Zombie fiasco any day…
I think I remember reading one of the original choices for Michael Myers mask was a clown. Pinchy, it was really reminding me of Hallowen too.
I was vaguely reminded of Halloween, but I agree with Pinchy…. looks better than that tripe Rob Zombie made.
Mickster, a clown mask was one of the original ideas. It was a choice between Mr. Shatner and a clown and the rest is history.
Is it me, or is anyone else getting tired of shock horror? And it all boils down to the trailer….the more times they try to make me jump in the trailer, the less i'm going to be impressed with the actual movie. Pinchy and PW are spot on with the Halloween rip-off, and a CLOWN MASK? This nut job better have a pretty good explanation as to why he's wearing a clown mask for me to even begin to compare this with either Halloween or Friday the 13th. I'll give it a try, cuz thats what horror fanatics do…but don't hate me if i hate it!
Eskimo, everyone is entitled to opinions. =) Hate it if you want, but I'm hoping we get a great movie. If it ends up sucking, I'll be right there on the hate wagon with you.