It's a Horror to Know You: Chris Moore (writer/director/star of PERVERSION.)
1. What is the first film that ever scared you?
THE WITCHES was certainly the most traumatic. THE WIZARD OF OZ was kinda scary, too, but I think THE WITCHES easily takes the cake. Even now, that film puts me on edge.
2. What is the last film that scared you?
The last film to scare me (in theaters) was probably INSIDIOUS. I thought it was brilliantly done. If I can't stop thinking about a film for weeks after I've seen it, I usually think it's pretty darn scary. The French film, INSIDE, really scared me, too, as did MARTYRS. The French are beating us to a pulp when it comes to horror movies.

3. Name three Horror movies that you believe are underrated.

4. Name three horror movies that you enjoy against your better judgment.
5. Send us to five places on the Internet!
For being a kids film, The Witches really goes out of its way to be creepy as hell. I guess we shouldn't really expect the director of Don't Look Now to make totally "safe" family fare…
I agree with all the underrated picks here but I need to say that Hell Night is the greatest thing on Earth. Also I have a bit of a soft spot for that Rage: Carrie 2. It should not exist but I'm glad it does.
I still haven't seen Martyrs but it sounds like I've really missed out.
Chris, one of my favourite movies is Phenomena and I agree about it being underrated. I found the music score very effective, and I also like the way the insects are used. I don't think I've ever seen a film before or since that featured such a creative use of them.
I'm glad to know I'm not alone here. I forgot to mention two other underrated movies that I adore! Paperhouse and The Redeemer (Class Reunion Massacre). They don't get talked about enough, but they always get under my skin and have a lot to offer!
Though I've never actually seen it, the VHS box for Class Reunion Massacre was sort of a kindertrauma for me. I was so freaked/obsessed with it whenever I went to our local videostore.
It's worth seeing. Very unnerving and nightmarish. I adore it! Sort of similar in style to Alice Sweet Alice. Feels like something Bava, Argento, or Fulci would have made if they came to America.