It's a Horror to Know You: Kinderpal Mickster!
1. What is the first film that ever scared you?
Trilogy of Terror (1975)-Zuni fetish doll anyone? Four-year-old Mickster was traumatized by the "Amelia" segment. I also have a vivid memory of the Zuni fetish doll being on the cover of the TV Guide.
2. What is the last film that scared you?
Insidious (2011)-I was spooked for a least a week after seeing this one at the theater even though I wasn't satisfied with the ending.

3. Name three Horror movies that you believe are underrated.
Let's Scare Jessica to Death (1971)-I saw this super, creepy gem on late night TV as a kid. Movies like this fed my fascination with vampires at an early age. It still satisfies.
The Thirst (1979)-Another creepy, unusual flick I caught late night when I was young. I watched because I love vampires and I kept watching because I found this take on vampires intriguing.
House on Sorority Row (1983)-I saw this for the first time at a high school slumber party. My most vivid memory at the time was the head in the toilet. Upon subsequent viewings, I find this movie to be a cut above cookie cutter slasher films (even though I find most all slasher films entertaining).
4. Name three horror movies that you enjoy against your better judgment.
Terror Train (1980)-I just cannot resist David Copperfield performing magic for a "rock crowd" on New Year's Eve not to mention the huge crush I have on Ben Johnson!
Halloween III Season of the Witch (1982)-How can I possibly withstand that jingle, "Eight more days till Halloween! Silver Shamrock!" or the awesome Tom Atkins?
5. Send us to five places on the Internet!
Like Totally 80s. It is a great place for 80s nuts like me!
Retroland. Another one for nostalgic fiends like myself!
Plaid Stallions. Do you enjoy looking at old catalogs like me? Then head on over to Plaid Stallions!
Made For TV Mayhem. My pal Amanda by Night is the only person I know that is more nostalgic than me!
I don't have a fifth because I want to say Kindertrauma, but you are already here.
I've been posting these HTKY's in the order we get them but I had to push this one ahead a bit because today is The Mickster's Birthday!
Everyone of these makes me want to rewrite mine from scratch. I hadn't considered the made-for-tv stock. "The Day After" likely trumps everything on my list for the film that most scared little DDD. Great list and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
P.S., Totally agree with you on Insidious. A fantastic little fright-fest that quickly turned laugh riot in the final 15 minutes.
Happy Birthday! I also have to admit that parts of Insidious were effective, especially the angry ghost that paced outside the window. I agree too on 1979's Thirst, for its entitled, creepy vampires and the drug-induced waking nightmare.
Curse you Mickster – those first three links just might devour my entire day….
I keep thinking the same thing. I filled my questionaire out right off the top of my head and now I keep thinking of films I missed.
I'm on bard with the THIRST love. I'm so amazed that movie is not talked about more often.
I know! Three is so few – and I even added an honorable mention in mine somewhere.
I LOVE Prom Night and totally forgot about it! AND Terror Train. Good ones Mickster!
Yay! Thanks for the birthday wishes and kind words!
Erin, that angry ghost outside the window made me jump out of my seat! I don't know why they had to screw up the ending!
Chuckles72, Check me out here http://www.liketotally80s.com/80s-costume-jem.html while you are over at Like Totally 80s!
Happy Birthday Mickster and thanks for the shout out!
I ADORE Let's Scare Jessica to Death. I recently showed it to the mancub and a couple of friends who were underwhelmed. Pfft. They'll never understand!
Amanda, I had a friend react the same way to the movie and I still do not understand it. That movie is SO creepy! Thanks for the birthday wish!
Let's Scare Jessica To Death is fantastic horror comfort food. I wish there were more out there like it…Does anything have that same LSJtD atmosphere?
Taylor – In my opinion, The Bride aka The House That Cried Murder with Robin Strasser has a very similar atmosphere. It's not the masterpiece that Jessica is but its similar in tone.
Thanks, Erin! I will definitely check that out.
Oh, I love The House That Cried Murder (I'm a huge Strasser fan, so it was super cool to see her in this)…. It's fantastic. Really odd, a little off kilter, and I think a really eerie film.
hey absolutely all right with the mention of House on sorority row and Prom night, maybe my favourite slasher and a bit underrated, excellent films specially if you compare them with other dumb and boring slashers of the first 80's like Graduation day or Sleepaway camp, by the way is really Pamela Springsteen the younger sister of a guy named Bruce?
Althought I traditionally consider the vampires the less original of horror subgenres and a bit boring for me the treatment in Thirst looks really interesting, no idea about this film I'm starting to know that they even didn't released it in Spain
by the way could be really interesting a iahtky by Amanda by night
Francisco, yes, Pamela Springsteen is the younger sister of Bruce! I am glad you agree with my picks. I also think Amanda should do an IAHTKY. I would love to read her choices because she rules!
Ah yes, that doll! This would have been one of my earliest traumas. Earliest? OK, back when this was going to be on TV my sister & I begged our mother to let us stay up to see this. We saw the previews on TV and in TV Guide and we wanted to see this. Well mother did but she had to be in the room with us. No problem. What we didn't really understand back then was that this movie had three tales and the one with the doll was going to be #3.
Well, my sister and I sat by the TV and the first part came on. That's all we remember. We both fell asleep and we were carried off to bed! We didn't have any type of VTR and there was no replay. We'd have to wait YEARS later for a rerun on some cable channel. We thought it was great but as we were now in our late teens some of the scare factor wore off. I do have it on DVD. Most of the time it's at my sister's house.
I think you put Halloween III: Season of the Witch in the wrong category. It should be one of the most underrated horror movies.
Eric, I agree it is underrated. Whenever I try to talk about it to certain people, they cannot get off the fact that it has nothing to do with the previous films. I think it would have fared better at the box-office had people not been expecting Michael Myers.