One of our main focuses here at Kindertrauma is exposing our readers to the best in contemporary literature. Recently while antiquing (that's code for shoplifting) in Piscataway, NJ, we stumbled across this tome that coyly describes itself as a "Happy Days: Coloring & Activity Book." Even though it did not come with the Oprah seal of approval, we picked it up anyway on account of the fact that we're so avant garde (that's code for illiterate). How could we pass up this treasure when the cover sports a photo of the Fonz attempting to break into HEATHER O'ROURKE's apartment? (See image above). Little did we know that beyond several stories depicting the Fonz's spiraling out of control sex addiction that there was also a tale just perfect for this time of year called "The Halloween Party." We admit that the ARNOLD'S sponsored get-together depicted looks innocent enough on the surface, but you can tell that this shindig is about to get all sorts of bacchanalian. So why not print out these pretty pictures, put on the soundtrack to LOST HIGHWAY and get coloring!!!! (Click the pictures to make them grow and remember: Kidertrauma is not responsible for its reader's mental welfare after images have been viewed).

God, I hate to point this out…but, uh, is The Fonz showing the kids how to do "The Shocker?"
Oh, Pinky Tuscadero…you're a dirty, dirty girl…and I think I love you even more!
It seems to have worked for him, mrcanacorn…look at that harem he's got!
You know your life sucks when you throw a HAPPY DAYS  and Jenny Piccolo comes and Leather Tuscadero doesn't!
Anyone else find it strange that Heather O'Roarke is on the cover but apparently NOT in the book???
You know what else is strange about the cover? That has got to be the worst chain lock ever made! It's like there's 2 feet worth of chain on that damn thing!
Leather T. may not be there, MammamiaSP, but obviously, Jenny Piccolo likes to party! Meow!
Wow! This was such a treat!  I printed out Arnold's crossword and did it while I was on the toilet. Althought "question mark" didn't fit in 5 DOWN… I was really bummed.
Did Mr. C just enjoy making an ass of himself?
I feel bad Arnold didn't win the prize. He wanted it so bad.
OMG! I loved Roger.
So. Hot.
That Jenny Piccolo picture just works on soooo many levels.
Does that guy have catnip in his pants or is she just reallllly happy to see him?
Man: I WOULD let you win the Costume Parade, Jenny, but you're Cat Woman doesn't even have EARS!
Jenny: Please, I wanna win so badly. I'll do ANTHING! ANYTHING! (slurp slurp)
Personally, I find Potsie's camel toe to be the most disturbing image of the party.
Potsie's Camel Toe is gonna be the name of my band if I ever start one.
Good Lord, that is so twisted.
Btw, today is Henry Winkler's birthday! Huzzah!
I can't believe how badly I wanted to bang the Fonz (still do) and how badly I DON'T want to bang Henry Winker!
Boggles the mind.
@Fox: I envision your band clad in matching tights, and rocking out on electric lutes. No doubt, you will develop a rabid following on the Renaissance Faire circuit.
i remember that stuff, when i was young i used to solve that exercises in kindergarten.