Do you remember those creepy TIME-LIFE series of books like MYSTIC PLACES, MYSTERIES OF THE UNKNOWN and THE ENCHANTED WORLD? I actually have a couple of those volumes that I've found over the years second hand. I had forgotten all about the weird commercials for them though, that is until your pal and mine Jeff Allard reminded me on his blog. They used to play those things all the time and it seemed they were particularly shown late at night. Watching them again after all this time, I find I can still almost recite them word for word. If you're in for a slice of nostalgia with a dollop of observational wisdom, as always, I recommend DINNER WITH MAX JENKE where it's routinely served. Jeff's post had me longing for the days when there was more than cosmetic ads and celebrity gossip shows on late night T.V. and the biggest thing I presumed to be threatening my safety was little green men. JUMP TO JENKE.
Thanks for the shout-out, Unk! My only regret is that one of my favorite ads for "The Enchanted World" series – a spot narrated by Vincent Price! – wasn't able to be embedded. But here's the YouTube link if anyone wants to check it out:
I just wish I had the entire library! I am especially in love with the cover for "mysterious creatures" from "mysteries of the unknown" because it looks like a long lost slasher movie poster. Some of the illustrations in these books were just excellent. great stuff and great post!
Cool post – Does anyone remember one of these Time Life phonenomena book commercials showing a scene with a bubbleing lake? I believe the announcer questions "was it the lock ness monster…?"  I never saw the whole commercial, but I was about 10 and it freaked me out. I was watching the muppet show at the time, so it must have been '79 or something. Believe me…I wanted them to put Fozzie Bear back on the screen!
Wow, what a memory booster! Kind of off topic, but this article makes me think of "In Search Of…" and the Amityville episode in particular. Not sure why it came to mind, but it did.
I had forgotten about these books, but I do have some Time-Life books on serial killers and they are tops! Just like this site!
"In search of…" has come up a couple times here at kindertrauma, usually just to describe the mood a program or creepy show from that era gives off. We have yet to really give it it's proper due!!! that show was scary! The theme music was enough to set me squirming! …So many traumas, so little time… but that is definitely one big fish we have to fry soon!
Oh gawd, you MUST do an article on In Search Of…
I agree, so many traumas, so little time!