I stumbled across a great site the other day that I would love to direct you to. It's called THE HAUNTED CLOSET and I think you guys will really dig it, I know I do. In the closet you'll find reviews for trauma classics like BURNT OFFERINGS, TRILOGY OF TERROR and both WATERSHIP DOWN and THE PLAGUE DOGS. There are spotlights on episodes of the horror series THE DARKROOM and there is even a look at Aunt John's most favorite episode of LITTLE HOUSE! You'll discover detailed examinations of such obscurities as an animated version of POE's TELL-TALE HEART from 1953 and a craptastic DRACULA video game from the eighties. There are tons of scary kid's books, JAWS 3-D cards, Halloween Chick Tracts and tons and tons of more creepy nostalgia. I myself found an amazing haunted house puzzle that I used to own as a kid! (Check it out HERE). THE HAUNTED CLOSET is great fun to dig through and is sure to unlodge more than a few memories for anyone who was a twisted kid. Do yourself a favor and check it out HERE!
Just a stab in the dark. Is the favorite ep of Little House the one where Sylvia gets raped by the mime?
@BQueen: That is my second favorite episode! A post is coming around shortly on Little House and the bizarre prairie hijinks of that darn Olsen Family Store clan.
Oh! I remember that disturbing episode! I had almost blocked it out until you mentioned it.