UNK SEZ:: Hey look at this! KINDERTRAUMA has been nominated for "Best Fan Blog" by TOTAL FILM. Many other fine blogs were nominated as well, including some of our bestest pals. We hate to grade-grub but we'll do it anyway, if you like what we do here give us a high five via a click vote! Thanks times a million for recognizing us TOTAL FILM and remember folks, vote for KINDERTRAUMA because we don't even want to go to college! Check out the ballot HERE!

Kindertrauma is in 2nd place right now…. vote if you haven't!
Rifframone! Thanks!
We'd like to thank everybody who has voted for us thus far…
The response has been….
Ah, how do you express gratitude without resorting to cliche?
The response has been cooler than a penguin wedding. There, that's not a cliche.
We're going to post a "Name that Trauma" a little later than usual today just to keep this post & link up top.
If you haven't voted yet-it just takes a moment and we'd be very grateful for your support!
and much gratitude to ALL of our readers and submitters for keeping us going!
Voted and we're kicking Chuck Norris's ass!
FOT= thanks for the vote!!! Let it be known though that the only ass we wanna kick is the ass of "Italian film review"! I think they have all of Italy voting for them!
Just voted! And I love that you've invoked Election.. one of the most underappreciated films of the 90s.
Thanks for the vote BB and yes, "Election" is something. Flick is a great character. Wish the spoon did more stuff like that but my favorite of hers is "Freeway" LOVE that movie. Too bad she got all mainstream.