Do y'all recall Spinninmarty's traumafession on a PSA that featured a BAND OF ANIMALS? Well, the obviously awesome and super cool Meridith, after a month of digging, actually unearthed it!!! Its too good (and too horrifying. Really Spin, I had no idea!) not too deserve a special post of its own, so make sure you all check it out…
Merridith, you, and everyone else at Kindertrauma, rock oh so hard. I called KOMO and asked about this ad. Seeing it again after 20+ years made every hair I had stand on end. Keep it up gang.
Check out "Apaches" on YouTube; possibly the most kindertraumatic Public Safety film ever made. No matter what gives you the willies, there's at least ONE scene in there that will haunt you for the rest of your life; strangely, for me that would be the least graphic scene in the whole film. If I'd seen this damned thing as a child, not only would I never have messed with farm equipment, i wouldn't have gone outside ever again. (Full, high-quality version can be had via torrent from Cinemageddon.org–registration required.)
Yep, that is all kinds of effed up. Â This must've been a local PSA or something though, because it rings nary a bell with my admittedly quirky memory.
Holy crap! I remember that so well. I live in Seattle, and it was a local PSA. Wow, thanks Merridith! Brilliant!
Haha, yeah I totally remember that!
You do rock Merridith, I searched for this for a while (though obviously as hard as you!) after the initial post.
I realize this thread is from 13 years ago…but if anyone ever looks at it…I have been trying to get a link to the above PSA (band of animals creating noise pollution) and all attempts come up empty. If anyone out there reads this and has a link to this video could you either send it or post it again!?