Little is known about Mother Nature besides the fact that she is bonkers for butter, hates to be corrected and will jam a lightening bolt up your backside if you cross her. Many films have been made depicting her infamous fury and relentless grudge against mankind. Below are ten random images from ten such films. How many can you correctly identify?

I know that #7 is Empire of the Ants but beyond that, nothing seems familiar. I might hazard a guess that #4 is Night of the Lepus but who knows…
And hey…where's Frogs?
I'll claim two – #2 is Day of the Animals, #6 is Piranha…
and #9 – Food of the Gods.
I have no flippin' clue!!!
I think #5 is Kingdom of the Spiders…
Except for #7, which has already been guest (Empire of the Ants), I'm not sure, but I love the stills for 3, 5 & 10! I'm cracking up!
Here are some hints and answers
2 The amazining Senski is right with DAY OF THE ANIMALS
3 -hint- Carlton
4 NIGHT OF THE LEPUS- Great guess Dr Acula!
5 KINGDOM OF THE SPIDERS- Mickster watch your back its Senski!
6 PIRAHNA- you know who again
7 EMPIRE OF THE ANTS- Dr Acula gets it done!
8-hint- down under
9 FOOD OF THE GODS- some one please by Senski a beer for me.
10-hint- Al Gore is terrified of this movie!!
1 – The Nest ???
3 – Ticks ???
that's all i have for guesses, though I have to agree with Amanda, these are some great pics!
Number 10 looks like Dysart in Frankenheimer's PROPHECY to me.
I thought that looked like Harry Scardino, but I remembered him in a red checkered shirt – #8 is Squirm?
Correction – DON Scardino, Harry Guardino…
sumo1964 is right with both…
Drew is right with 10
the last one s kind of obscure so I'll just tell ya
Thanks to all who played!
Have an awesome weekend!
Mickster, we miss ya wherever you are!