Is #4 "Interview With the Vampire" and #7 "Wishmaster"?
10 years ago
…and making an educated guess based on the clue, I say #2 is "She-Beast"
Matt Sunshine
10 years ago
Thanks Unkle,
I have never seen The Redeemer, and I had no idea it went under more than one name. This is actually kind of a Kindertrauma of mine, because when I was about 8, I was scared of both the front and back of a large VHS box called Class Reunion Massacre…I'd forgotten all about that. I used to always avert my eyes when I was near it, but then at times, I'd work up the nerve to take another look at it and peek at the back. And now 30yrs later I just might see it. Thanks for the youtube link.
So the only one left is # 8 and that is EYES OF A STRANGER
I remember that CLASS REUNION MASSACRE big box with the skull on the cover! I love that and I love the original poster.
When I first rented REDEEMER it had the WORST box art in the world! It looked like this:
BTW: I'm sorry kids- this is going to be my last post for a while.
One of our cats died this weekend and reminded me about death and now I'm so not in the mood to be anywhere near a computer.
I'm going to veg out and catch you some time in the future. Stay safe!
10 years ago
So sorry to hear your news. I hope the vegging out helps. My best to you and Aunt John.
Matt Sunshine
10 years ago
Oh my Gawd, I remember that crappy VHS box as well. Me and my friends would always joke about renting it because of its ultra lameness. Little did I know…I actually wanna see the movie now.
Geez, sorry about your cat guys. I hate knowing that one day my cat will die, so I understand. Take care both of you.
10 years ago
I'm sorry to hear about your loss! My heart goes out to you!
M Kitka
10 years ago
I know you won't see this for a while but I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty. The worst part of loving these wonderful creatures is losing them and I always wish they could be like parrots or tortoises and live to be 100 years old!
It may seem goofy but planning a little memorial shrine for my kitty who went over the Rainbow Bridge helped me get through that tough time. I also shaved a chunk out of my eyebrow in her honor — the ancient Egyptians would shave their eyebrows off to show their mourning for a lost cat. I still do that every year around her birthday, just to continue to remember her.
I work at an animal ER and sadly deal with the emotional impact of loss every day. We can't overestimate the importance of these friends and I hope you take whatever time you need, even if we'll miss your thoughtfulness and wit over here on the internets while you're gone.
M Kitka
10 years ago
*Oh, and that's my current cat-friend as my avatar, not my late cat. We adopted her right after she lost an eye so that's why she looks so crazy/creepy! (-:
Yeesh! I suck today. Is 5 Cat People?
Hmmm… My guess for #5 is "Eyes Without a Face"
I'm having tip-of-the-tongue syndrome on about half the rest…
Youch, this was a hard one! It was hard to post too. I could not get into the KT dashboard today for some reason.
Well, here are some clues that should help:
1 Polanski
2 Steele
3 Rutger
4 Rice
5 EYES WITHOUT A FACE= Nail on the head M@ggot!
6 "they'll get you in the end." sequel
7 Djinn
8 Tewes
9 "Be afraid, be very afraid." sequel
10 "Please do not disturb Evelyn. She ALREADY is."
1) The Fearless Vampire Killers
3) The Hitcher (1986)
6) Ghoulies II
and going by the clue provided by Unkle Lancifer, I'm gonna guess #9 is The Fly 2.
I can't be the only one who couldn't log in?
Thanks Aunt John for fixing it and making things right in the world again.
BTW, what are the 2 bumper pics from? It's been driving me crazy.
Matt Sunshine,
Correct on all counts:
and yep 9 is THE FLY 2
Something has been very fishy here. I think Aunt John has it fixed.
Sorry about that. Something to do with our host being screwy.
I couldn't even get in yesterday- so maybe this Funhouse wasn't so much hard as impossible to comment on?
Sorry about that!
Matt, those images are from the poster for THE REDEEMER aka CLASS REUNION MASSACRE.
What a strage one that is.
I gotta say it gives me the creeps.
I wrote it up once in this post "Satan's Unsung"….
It's available on the Youtube too…
10 is mountaintop motel massacre
Is #4 "Interview With the Vampire" and #7 "Wishmaster"?
…and making an educated guess based on the clue, I say #2 is "She-Beast"
Thanks Unkle,
I have never seen The Redeemer, and I had no idea it went under more than one name. This is actually kind of a Kindertrauma of mine, because when I was about 8, I was scared of both the front and back of a large VHS box called Class Reunion Massacre…I'd forgotten all about that. I used to always avert my eyes when I was near it, but then at times, I'd work up the nerve to take another look at it and peek at the back. And now 30yrs later I just might see it. Thanks for the youtube link.
Good work all!
2 SHE BEAST+ M@ggot
9 FLY 2= MS
So the only one left is # 8 and that is EYES OF A STRANGER
I remember that CLASS REUNION MASSACRE big box with the skull on the cover! I love that and I love the original poster.
When I first rented REDEEMER it had the WORST box art in the world! It looked like this:
BTW: I'm sorry kids- this is going to be my last post for a while.
One of our cats died this weekend and reminded me about death and now I'm so not in the mood to be anywhere near a computer.
I'm going to veg out and catch you some time in the future. Stay safe!
So sorry to hear your news. I hope the vegging out helps. My best to you and Aunt John.
Oh my Gawd, I remember that crappy VHS box as well. Me and my friends would always joke about renting it because of its ultra lameness. Little did I know…I actually wanna see the movie now.
Geez, sorry about your cat guys. I hate knowing that one day my cat will die, so I understand. Take care both of you.
I'm sorry to hear about your loss! My heart goes out to you!
I know you won't see this for a while but I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty. The worst part of loving these wonderful creatures is losing them and I always wish they could be like parrots or tortoises and live to be 100 years old!
It may seem goofy but planning a little memorial shrine for my kitty who went over the Rainbow Bridge helped me get through that tough time. I also shaved a chunk out of my eyebrow in her honor — the ancient Egyptians would shave their eyebrows off to show their mourning for a lost cat. I still do that every year around her birthday, just to continue to remember her.
I work at an animal ER and sadly deal with the emotional impact of loss every day. We can't overestimate the importance of these friends and I hope you take whatever time you need, even if we'll miss your thoughtfulness and wit over here on the internets while you're gone.
*Oh, and that's my current cat-friend as my avatar, not my late cat. We adopted her right after she lost an eye so that's why she looks so crazy/creepy! (-:
Thank you so much. The vegging worked wonders and then I painted the kitchen and that helped too.
Matt Sunshine,
Thank you Matt! Luckily I fully believe in reincarnation.
Thank you! You are so nice.
MK Kitka,
You rule for working at the animal ER. Bless you for all you do. I wish my heart could stand that. And awesome avatar!
I want to share with you guys an article on the Kindertrauma Cats…
Wally who died is the white fluffy one… You can see how close he was with his adopted sisters…
Thank you for sharing that! I love to see your kitty family *and* your castle! The photos of Wally are so cute!!!