UNK SEZ:: Today's funhouse is special because it also serves as my ten picks for the perfect Halloween movie marathon! I should tell ya up front though, I did NOT include the actual HALLOWEEN series or the ROB ZOMBIE re-duo because you should already know to watch those! Anyhows get started and you shall end up with a super deluxe, Unk-approved Halloween viewing schedule!

#2 is Something Wicked This Way Comes
Is #1 The Lady in White?
yay – i actually know some of these!!!
#2 something wicked this way comes
#9 is Trick or Treat
and #8 looks really familiar – i'll obsess a while
6 elvira mistress of darkness?
10 Trick r Treat?
#5 The Worst Witch! Done and done. Now has anybody seen my tambourine?
#8 is Night of the Demons… I'm pretty sure I know that matte painting!
…Egads, this s a tough one… I swear I know #3 and #4 from somewhere, but I just can't place them…
Hints and confirmations!!!
1 The Lady in White= Love the small town fall atmosphere in this one. Such a great underrated movie!
2 Something Wicked This Way Comes= If you don't have time to read the book this will do!
5 The Worst Witch! Your dentist could turn into a queen! I know mine did.
6 Elvira Mistress of the Dark= It's not Halloween without Elvira!
8 Night of the Demons= I want to hang that Matte painting on my wall!
9 Trick or Treat= No denying this is an Instant classic!
Here are some hints for the rest!
3= This is a TV movie that has Shari Belafonte in it!
4= Charlie Sheen's dad kills a hamster in this one!
7= British TV mockumentary
10= features Karen Black and Michael J Pollard!
#4 the little girl who lives down the lane! i can't believe i didn't guess this one – i just freaking watched it.
is #7 ghostwatch?
10 house of a thousand corpses?
7 midnight hour
uhh 3 midniht hour Ooops
4 The Little Girl who lives Down the Lane!
It was on last night actually! Perfect timing!
7 Ghostwatch! So good! Check it out on Youtube!
10 House of 1,000 Corpses! watch as late at night as possible! Did I mention this list is also in the order that you should watch them?
That leaves only 3 which also stars Kevin McCarthy
3 the midnight hour? third times the charm
3 The Midnight Hour! I missed this one when it was originally on but it's great Halloween fun!
Thanks to all who played!
Happy Halloween!
Sadly, I don't know enough.
Happy Halloween to all of you here at one of my favorite haunts!
No Pumpkinhead? pfffft! Haggis is one of the greatest character in all of horrordom! And Lance Henricksen is da' man!
"What yo' askin' got a powerful price, Ed Harley."
Pumkinhead! That IS a good one for Halloween.
I was thinking Sleepy Hollow too.
Anybody else have any Halloween viewing suggestions? We need more!
Saturday the 14th is always a hoot.
Oh, and Student Bodies, to round out that fantastic 80's cheesiness.
"Has anyone seen my tamborine?"
I love the Worst Witch!
blueroc, I feel the same way about the Worst Witch! Our pal Andre recently wrote a great review for it here…
No Halloween is complete for us without Return of the Living Dead or Fright Night. We also love Trick R' Treat – Best Halloween movie ever!
I love The Worst Witch, but I also cringe every single time the cat "meows"… it's just …so…horrible!
Want true horror, replace every cat sound in every movie ever made with the person meowing for the cat in The Worst Witch.
I wonder what ever happened to Frankenstein's monster and the skeleton. These kids must be around fourty years old today. They possibly casted two local kids from Knowlton for the roles…something I have to check out one day.