The delightful Amanda beat me to the punch as #10 is most def Salem's Lot. #2 is maybe Devil Times Five? Still haven't seen it but have read a lot. Viva Kindertrauma!
arthur teagarden
14 years ago
I mean #3! we all know AmWereLondon is correct. Not a lot of red parkas in horrorshows, what?
14 years ago
Is #1 Don't Go into the Woods…Alone?
14 years ago
#7 looks like one of the Evil Dead movies… I'll go with Part 2.
#2: American Werewolf in London
#6: The Children (?)
#9: Slither
Other than that, I've no clue! But dang if they all don't look familiar.
#5 is Madman!
#3 might be Friday the 13th part 3…
Oh it's not Friday 3. I see snow now. I was too focused on the van…
I think #1 is The Forest.
Is #10 Salem's Lot?
OK, I'll stop now!
The delightful Amanda beat me to the punch as #10 is most def Salem's Lot. #2 is maybe Devil Times Five? Still haven't seen it but have read a lot. Viva Kindertrauma!
I mean #3! we all know AmWereLondon is correct. Not a lot of red parkas in horrorshows, what?
Is #1 Don't Go into the Woods…Alone?
#7 looks like one of the Evil Dead movies… I'll go with Part 2.
#4 is Watcher In The Woods.
I thought 3 might be DEVIL TIMES FIVE. Leifs bus gets fucked up. but thats the least of his problems!
nd the last kids look very SALEMS -LOTty to me.
I suck today. A bit hungover.
Hints and confirmations…
1 THE FOREST = Amanda gets it!
2 AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON = Right off the bat Chris!
3 DEVIL TIMES FIVE = Good job Arthur Teagarden !
4 WATCHER IN THE WOODS = Eegah knows it!
5 MADMAN = Amadman by Night Amanda!
7 EVIL DEAD 2 = Eegah guesses right!
9 SLITHER= Slam dunk Chris!
10 SALEM'S LOT = Amanda is on fire today!
So that leaves just two…
6& 8
here are some hints
6 = Drowsy Empty
8 = Peter's Maze (sub)
Well, 6 must be Sleepy Hollow!
Is 8 Pan's Labyrinth? Haven't seen that in awhile.
And 8 is Pan's Labyrinth. Thanks for the hints, I needed 'em.
Walter and Eegah got em' both!
6 = Sleepy Hollow
8 = Pan's Labyrinth
Great job all! You guys were quick on them hints!
OK stay tuned another post is coming up cuz I feel so guilty of feeling lazy (& drowsy and empty and sleepy and hollow) this week!
Hope everybody has a good weekend!