Why wait until October to do the Get Down Goblin? Thanks to Saint Antonio & Jan Terri.
Kindertrauma Jukebox:: Dwarr's Screams of Terror
UNK SEZ:: I'm convinced this tune is the perfect Kindertrauma theme song! Thanks go to my dear old pal SCOTT for pointing me toward it!
In "Kindertrauma Jukebox"
Kindertrauma Jukebox:: Sufjan Stevens' "That Was The Worst Christmas Ever!"
In "Kindertrauma Jukebox"
Uh…wow…just wow…and thanks.
Oh Jan Terri, great siren of our age! Where would we be without your whimsical world-view to guide us in these dark, dark days? I remember the first time I saw you sing "Baby Blues" to a cowboy with…. well, not blue eyes, anyway. I knew then that you saw what the rest of us unenlightened souls could not. Or, perhaps I am over-thinking it?
Somehow I can totally imagine Homestar Runner singing this for Homestarloween. Â In fact, yep, now that I have got that running through my head I have to declare that would be just about the greatest thing since witch's brew.
My fellow partners in crime at work play Jan's whole catalogue when they want to drive me crazy. They are truly evil.