UNK SEZ:: Forgive me if this week's funhouse is too easy! I figured I might as well give two stones the bird and smoosh it up with a year end "best of" list! Now, this is is a loose list and not in any order, but here are ten films that stood out for me this past year. I didn't see EVERYTHING so what do I know? My friend Fetsko told me that DEVIL is really good too but since he also told me THE ENDING I won't be seeing that one any time soon, good though it may be. If I forgot one of your favorite flicks of the past year (like REC 2 for example!) let me know in the comments section. Good luck and here's to looking forward to a brand new slew of horror in 2011!

#4 is the Human Centipede! I've never gotten one before!
5) Let Me In
7) Piranha 3-D
9) The Crazies
10) Frozen
…Yeah, that's about all I can get.
On the subject of 'Devil'… not a bad film, but a well directed film with a bad script. The film belies it's own premise by having the narration tell you everything that will happen ten minutes before it does, thus killing any and all suspense there could have been… But I gave it a pass personally because I like the Dowdle Brothers as directors (other than the fact that I had to see The Poughkeepsie tapes through a friend of a friend, as it vanished from all release schedules >.<; )…
Yeah, enough opinionating from me. Sorry!
Agh,wait, I think I knew more than expected >.>;
3) Lake Mungo
(loved that one, why did I post without truly thinking? ^^;; )
#8 is Splice!
1) Black Swan
2) Triangle
3) The Reef ?
4) The Human Centipede
5) Let Me In
6) The Last Exorcism
7) Piranha 3D
8) Splice
9) The Crazies
10) Frozen
Not sure about The Reef though.
The ones I knew someone already got, but I wanted to chime in about how glad I am that you're using the Bloody New Year art.
Its good to know I'm not the only one that enjoyed that movie.
I knew I wouldn't fool you guys TOO much this week
Happy we got a new player in Craig's friend Meg! Good job!
Literate dead got all the guesses correct
and now I know I HAVE to see DEVIL even though I know the ending
I love Devil movies
Carolyn got Splice!
Even if you don't like SPLICE it was THE funnest movie to discuss this year!
Same for Centipede
Who cares if t wasn't the best movie… so much fun talk about with fellow horror fans.
LUKI8701 Got every one correct except for Lake Mungo whitch Carolyn got
Luki you are today's big winner which means 2011 is going to be your favorite and best year EVER!
Lottie recognized the top banner which solidifies her position as kindertrauma royalty.
Hope everyone has the best New Years!
And yes that was written by a hungover person
don't judge
HAPPY 2011!!!!!!!!!
Happy New Year , Unk & Aunt and fellow Kinderpals!
BTW, Profvw and I really enjoyed Devil! See it anyway! I still haven't watched Shutter Island because one of my students told me the ending.
4. The Human Centipede
5. Let Me In
7. Piranha 3D
8. Splice
9. The Crazies
10. Frozen
Those were all that I could get.