There are ten differences in these two images. Can you find them? After you are done, print one out, color it with crayons and hang it on your front door to let Krampus know you appreciate his hard work this season!
There are ten differences in these two images. Can you find them? After you are done, print one out, color it with crayons and hang it on your front door to let Krampus know you appreciate his hard work this season!
1. Krampus fangs missing
2. Pupil added to eye
3.Krampus horn slightly longer
4.Krampus tail tuft shorter
5. boy behind snowman smiling
6.left crying boy missing heel of foot
7. right crying boy's scarf turned different
8. steeple missing window
9.line moved to below the window in the house under steeple
10. shorter straw on broom
oh man! i totally missed this yesterday somehow! but crabbymoon got them all anyway.
yay crabbymoon!