It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas because our old pal Mickster has stopped by to host the annual holiday funhouse! This year she's picked various versions of A CHRISTMAS CAROL. Good luck!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas because our old pal Mickster has stopped by to host the annual holiday funhouse! This year she's picked various versions of A CHRISTMAS CAROL. Good luck!
3.) George C Scott version
8.) Muppets (The best version of this tale.)
10.) Scrooged
9. Scrooge
1. A Carol Christmas
2. Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol (1999)
3. A Christmas Carol w/George C. Scott
4. A Christmas Carol w/Jim Carrey – 3D version
6. An American Christmas Carol w/Henry Winkler
7. Jeffrey DeMunn in EBBIE (1995)
8. The Muppet Christmas Carol
9. SCROOGE! – The Musical w/Albert Finney
Are the bumpers Mister Magoo's Christmas Carol? If not, can you mention what it's from.
Personally, I think the musical version of Scrooge with Albert Finney is the most faithful adaptation, as is Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol, along with the horrifying animated version from 1971 – it scared me no end when I was a kid!
Matt Sunshine, yeah, they're from Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol. I love that version as much as I love a Christmas goose as big as I am, and razzleberry dressing!
Wow! Great response!
1. Buddo is right on the money with A Carol Christmas!
2. Sorry, not the 1999 version!
3. Sorry, Dylan and Buddo, not the George C. Scott 1984 version!
4. Buddo is correct again with the Jim Carrey version from 2009!
5. Buddo is on fire! Of course I picked a screen shot of the gorgeous John Taylor from A Diva's Christmas Carol!
6. Buddo once again gets An American Christmas Carol!
7. Buddo, I had to get a screen shot of "Dale" (The Walking Dead) in Ebbie!
8. Dylan and Buddo correctly identified The Muppet Christmas Carol!
9. Matt and Buddo recognized Scrooge!
10. Dylan and Buddo got Scrooged right!
And yes, Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol is the bumpers.
So, #2 and #3 are still up for grabs…
I thought #3 was the 1984 version too, but I also thought so was #2, but figured the same one wouldn't be used twice.
So I'll guess:
2. A Christmas Carol (1984)
2. Yay, Matt! It is the 1984 version, which leaves the obvious choice for #3.
3. A Christmas Carol (1999) ?
3. Hurray for Matt! Yes, it is the Captain Picard version from 1999!
Thanks, Dylan, Matt, and Buddo for playing my annual Christmas Funhouse!
Thanks to Unkle L and Aunt J for allowing me to continue with my Christmas tradition!
Fun as always. May I suggest you showcase Ignorance and Want from the various versions sometime? Or, perhaps Marley at his scariest? That would be awesome — and those two incarnations are the most horrifying, along with the ghosts Marley shows Scrooge outside his window — especially in SCROOGE! the musical…I love almost all Scrooge movies, except for the silly ones like the version featuring Chris Farley's brother as a Michael Moore type…can;t think of the name off the top of my head…
Check out #1 on my 2011 Funhouse: https://www.kindertrauma.com/?p=25933