I was visiting a lovely land called Ardmore yesterday and I came across the greatest thing. It was a fantastic movie rental joint called VIVA VIDEO! They had one of the coolest, heartiest horror sections I've ever seen. These righteous dudes even proudly carried SCREAM FOR HELP on VHS! Cooler still, their New Release wall was sparkling with offerings from the great folks of ARROW VIDEO. I wanted to work there for free and I don't know how I was ever dragged out of the place! So today all of our mystery movie stills are from movies distributed by ARROW VIDEO who you can visit HERE. Also I highly recommend a visit to VIVA VIDEO if you are in their neck of the woods (they also have a top notch sell –through section)!

4. The Bird with the Crystal Plumage
5. Phenomena
1) Brain Damage
8.) Looks to be a child getting his first taste of The Stuff at the grocery store!
7) The Initiation
10) Blood Rage
That giant chicken leg scupture in the BIRD WITH THE CRYSTAL PLUMAGE could not be more Kindertrauma.
I'm thinking #6 is THE MUTILATOR.
Fall break, Yeah!
I can't resist a movie that has an evil twin sister in it.
Nice job all!
Here are some confirmations…
1 BRAIN DAMAGE- hit the nail on the head, DDD!
2 MADHOUSE= Yay MM! I'm with you on on the Evil Twin tip MM! Love this movie!
3 DON'T TORTURE A DUCKLING= another star for MM= devastating movie!
4 THE BIRD WITH THE CRYSTAL PLUMAGE= excellent Matt S! And yes, love that sculpture Ben S!
5 PHENOMENA= I know I've used this image before but that shirt is the tops! nice one Matt!
6 THE MUTILATOR= the one and only! Yay Dr. Nick!
7 THE INITIATION= right on! Drew spots the great Clu (Gulager)!
8 THE STUFF! Good eye ChiefferS! Spot on! The STUFF stripes rule!
10 BLOOD RAGE= extra helping of cranberry sauce for Tres!
OK here are some hints for the rest…just incase somebody comes in late…
9= This one is coming out in August from Arrow- was once on a VHS double feature with SCALPS!
Top Bumper= The director of this went on to direct (among many other wonderful movies) a vampire flick that did not need "more cowbells" and closed with the Cypress Hill song "I want to Get High".
Bottom Bumper+ This waitress is talking to two cops played by John Goodman and Jay Thomas!!!!
9 is the Slayer, ya'll!
So. Good.
The bottom is CHUD!
Top Bumper: Driller Killer!
Yay!!!!! Minutes before midnight the day is saved by mrandrewhawkins!!!!!!!!!!
I had to get that last comment in before 12. But not only did mrandrewH save the day but so did The Mike and Amanda. Good job you three!!!
9= THE SLAYER= yay Amanda!
Bottom= CHUD- you rule TheMike!
and Top is DRILLER KILLER !!! excellent work MrandrewH!!!!!
You guys have done it again! Please have the greatest weekend ever and thanks to everyone who played!!!