We've gone to the dogs! Below are ten images of ten dogs from ten horror films. How many can you identify? While we're on the subject, there's a brand new book coming out all about the making of the classic movie CUJO ! It's called NOPE, NOTHING WRONG HERE: THE MAKING OF CUJO and it's written and edited by good old LEE GAMBIN! There's no need to beg- you can pre-order the hardcover HERE or the softcover HERE!

3 poltergeist dog
8 Nanook from The Lost Boys
3 is Ebuzz (named of Dan Aykroyd's Saturday Night Live character E. Buzz Miller, it was Spielberg's dog) from POLTERGEIST
4 is the dog from DEVIL DOG
7 maybe Beast from THE HILLS HAVE EYES 2
top bumper is Cujo from Cujo, shit…do we have to name the dog too?
1. The Amityville Horror (1979) …Harry?
5. The Mephisto Watltz …Robin?
6. Pumpkinhead …Gypsy?
9. Bad Moon …Thore??? this is a guess.
Thanks for mentioning the new book about one of my favorite movies, Cujo. Very underrated and underappreciated. Actually, as there is a new IAHTKY below, I recall naming Cujo in mine.
I'm awarding a thousand extra points for anybody who provided the actual name of the dog in question.
I was a little sleepy – maybe I should have titled this "Name That Horror Dog's Movie" or something.
Because I only know the movie titles for most of these guys….
1 AMITYVILLE HORROR= yay Matt and yep his name was Harry! – I do now that one!
3 POLTERGEIST= yay Tomb and KevM!
4 DEVIL DOG- right on KevM
6 PUMPKINHEAD= Matt again!
7 THE HILLS HAVE EYES 2= correct KevinM and
8 WHITE DOG= yay KevM
9 BAD MOON= and yep that's Thor! This movie is based on a book called Thor!
10 DAWN OF THE DEAD (remake) Andrew D on FB got this one
So that leaves only #2
And I know her name is Sneakers!!!!
Sneakers and #2 = CATHY'S CURSE
Top Bumper= CUJO of course
Bottom Bumper = Toby from FRIDAY THE 13th part 8: JASON TAKES MANHATTAN
(I was going to do Muffin from Part 2 but I thought she might be too easy)
Matt, I will keep you updated on the book. I'm sure it will be the last word on CUJO. Lee is very detailed oriented and it looks like there are going to be tons of never seen before images. I totally agree about CUJO.
I'll never forget seeing it in the theater. Dee Wallace should have got an Oscar nomination. So good!
Maybe next time we'll do all bad dogs…
Thanks to all who played. Have a great weekend!!!!
You are lucky, I wish I could have seen Cujo in a theater. And I agree, even Danny Pintauro should have at least been nominated, what a performance from such a little kid. Wallace probably would have had it not been a horror movie, but some well meaning drama.