Hello Kindertrauma, I really hope you guys can help me with this little nightmare inducer.
When I attended primary school the library also functioned as the media centre (which in those days meant a big TV and a VCR player). Depending on her workload the librarian would sometimes plunk us down in front of the TV with a tape. One time we watched an animated flick that still haunts me, although I don't remember a great deal of it. It was the first time I can remember literally being frozen from fear. The scene that has stayed with me is a slow pan down a dark hallway in what I think was a wooden church with a thoroughly awful portrait on the wall and red eyed rats lurking around.
Here are all the other details I can remember or deduce:
The animation style was hardly animation at all, but rather slow pans over dark and heavy hand drawn images of a style you might almost find in a children's book. I'm not certain, but I think I remember narration, not unlike the audiobook recordings with still images that you get now on YouTube.
1995 is the latest year this could possibly have come out, but it was probably made earlier than that, likely in the 80's.
I live in Australia so whatever this was had been released here and was possibly made here.
Finally, this would have been a short film, probably less than an hour long, likely not more than half an hour or so.
For the longest time I thought it was animated adaption of H.P Lovecraft's 'The Rats In The Walls' but I've never been able to find anything that matches up with what I remember. If you know of anything that sounds like this (or of an obscure adaptation of TRITW) please let me know. This has been haunting me for the best part of two decades.
This probably isn't the answer you're looking for (no red eyed rats) but your description reminded me of this 7 minute version of The Tell Tale Heart narrated by James Mason: