Hi! Love your website. WOW! I use it as a great reference list for bad movie night films.
Once I saw a movie when I was young that just ruined me. I saw it on TV in the early nineties. It had monster in it that I think lived in a closet, but it wasn't the Paul Walker/Fergie joint. The terrifying monster whistled a creepy sound to lure people over to open the closet in which it hid. When someone came near to investigate the sound, they would discover an unpleasant surprise: A freakish monster! Then out of its jaws emerged another terrible screaming monster head, and out of THAT monster's jaws came a third terrible but rather diminutive monster head. Mind BLOWN.
Did I make this all up in my sick and twisted little kid-mind? Is this a bizarre amalgamation of several horror films I should never have been allowed to watch at that age? Any help is appreciated. I need to face this beast again once and for all. Thanks in advance.

I think this may be the 1986 Troma monster-movie spoof, "Monster in the Closet". I don't know about the whistling part, but the whole movie makes blatant references to other films – and the "smaller monster head inside the larger head" trope comes from the movie "Alien", which some sources say the monster design was particularly influenced by. And of course, as the title suggests, the monster is found in people's closets.
Carly J. indicates that it's not Monster in the Closet but that monster definitely does the "Alien" thing http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-EQu-Mef_nok/UWb7TIWTOaI/AAAAAAAADVQ/nReK2krdgtE/s1600/Monster.In.The.Closet.1986.DVDRip.x264-HANDJOB.mkv_snapshot_00.53.24_%5B2013.04.11_13.31.06%5D.jpg