HI, I'm Carolyn, and this is a foggy childhood memory segment I would LOVE for someone to clear up.
There is an all-white, possible furry, humanoid creature running from a tree line across a snowy plain towards a one-room cabin containing a screaming woman. Cut back and forth between the creatures approach and the screaming chick inside. I can't remember what happens after that. It had a grainy quality, like it was a late '70s or early '80s film.
Can you help me place it?
UNK SEZ: Dear Carolyn, your all-white, possibly furry humanoid creature makes me think of the mostly white, very furry humanoid creature in SHRIEK OF THE MUTILATED (1974)! That crazy creature does indeed hang around a tree line tormenting a screaming lady and the poor soul perpetually exists in a grainy seventies dimension too. I hope I'm right because I love that movie. In fact, since it's on YouTube, I say we should all watch SHRIEK OF THE MUTILATED today (Carolyn, pay special attention to the 1:10 minute mark!)and why not read my old review for it way back HERE?.

Fantastic review, Unk! I saw that short little blip of the film in Grammy's basement in the late 80's, and was actually scared. *Precious*
Joe Scarpinito, from the Sopranos, as Location Manager? That's a trip.
The picture on the bottom looks suspiciously like Bob Seger…